Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Congress Must Be Fired

Congress has not done their job. They have for almost 100 years violated their Constitutional responsibility to only coin gold and silver money. They have sold out the American people to foreign bankers. Congress allowed the executive branch 20 years ago to make up a new law called the Continuity Of Government that lets the President suspend the constitution as has been the case since the 2001 false flag attack perpetrated by the executive branch of government.

If you vote for any of these lackeys in Congress who have ever violated their oath of office then you will get what you deserve. People like me will do much better because we know the truth about these traitors and have taken precautions in the event that people are stupid enough to actually vote for these bought out scoundrels again. Those dumb enough to return any of these losers to the Congress are also so stupid that they will not have taken any preparations for the austere future they actually voted for.

A vote for anybody who has a chance to win is better than anyone in Congress now except Ron Paul, Jim DeMint and only perhaps several more. Check with the Campaign for Liberty before voting in your Congressional district. They have compiled a good list with the voting records of each Congressman and Senator.

But some traitors who should receive special attention are Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and all of the Republican top leadership as well. This cabal of traitors is owned lock, stock and barrel by the foreign bankers.


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