Monday, May 18, 2009

Bilderberg Fears Losing Control

Check this analysis of the recent Bilderberg Group Meeting Agenda


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Apparently I have been correct about bickering at the top of the oligarchy.

We have been under economic attack but the people are wising up. Join the Patriotic Economic Front then help counter attack to send these foreign invading dogs back to hell!!!

1:47 PM  
Blogger astrologycat said...

It is funny how people are fooled by nice words or newspeak as in Orwell's book 1984.
Please folks look behind these words. Progressive is a biggy. Many people were fooled by that word, this is how the Democratic party was hijacked by the Obamanistas, Have you heard of Paul Wellstone? He has a training camp for progressives, although he died in a plane crash, his name is being used First you must know who the people are who will destroy this country. Words that sound nice can be deceiving, humanitarian, progressive, etc. Educate yourselves, be informed, It is not easy when there are bills to be paid and children to raise. You will wake up some morning and it is too late. This has been posted is on my blog

4:38 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

It's the same with the traitorous, criminal Republican party leadership as well so don't be fooled. They are both underlings to the top rulers never elected by the people to anything.

5:30 PM  

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