Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Dumbest Americans

Certainly there are ample nominees. But I suspect the winners will be found in Barney Frank's voting district. Surely one must be dumb as a rock to vote for Barney Frank. He is one of the head bankster enablers who was responsible for whipping up the bailouts, didn't even read this contract committing every American to billions even trillions of obligations then wept like an old woman when the fruits of his legislation became apparent.

Naturally his constituents will have very tough competition from Nancy Pelosi's voters not to mention those of Chris Dodd. Surely most of these voters would take issue with me even now. However, after the economy completely collapses in the near future despite the genius legislation of this trio of fools on the Hill, perhaps they will wise up. That's because I'm hoping they are simply ignorant rather than outright simple.


Blogger Centurion said...

Esto esta muerto , por aqui ni las moscas pasan ya

el trastornao sigue cagao fuera del cajon

igualito que Vana la putana y solariana que ahora anda posteando con el nombrete de jose

5:17 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Vana is a fellow victim. I don't attack victims. I concentrate on the shills and their paymasters. Who pays you Centurion? I know already but I'd like to hear it from you.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Centurion said...

Esto esta peor que un cementerio

ni el medico chino resuelve esto

tratornao , en español por favor el idioma que hablamos todos los verdaderos cubanos

7:50 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I speak English because I feel like it. Plus most of my readers speak English but not Spanish. It is easier to tell on your bosses for being criminals. Thanks to you cherub I'm having great success. Exiles are starting to question why this shill comes to my blog to condemn me everyday if there is nothing actually going on with the American government. They think you protest too much. But lets face it. You haven't been an angel the past year or so. Have you?

8:24 PM  
Blogger Centurion said...

El cementerio es el cementerio le guste o no le guste al en cagado , ni medico chino ni ninguno salva a este cadaver , el en cagado habla mas mierda que un perico pero todo lo que dice es siempre lo mismo

en español porque la lengua de los americanos yo no la entiendo , los traductores de la red son malisimos , todos los verdaderos cubanos hablamos en esoañol

8:40 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Yes I'm sure your superiors would much prefer that I use Spanish. But it's not going to happen cherub. Move on.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Centurion said...

en español en cagado , el idioma de todos los verdaderos cubanos

9:13 PM  
Blogger Centurion said...

se cago fuera del cajon en el pañal de Depends que usa el viejucal , ahora tiene que tratar de limpiar to la mierda , esa es la vida de todos los cagaos y de el en cagado de este cementerio

9:56 PM  
Blogger Berocos Menocál said...


This fellow is whacked out of his mind, the CJB have been proven correct.


Este tipo está completamente loco, los CJB han sido confirmado correctos.

Espere Centurión y vera como dirá que usted y yo somos la misma persona, el loco siempre acusa a todos los que no están de acuerdo con el de ser una sola persona, de acuerdo a el esa persona es un espía del gobierno que lo ataca continuamente. La verdad que le hace falta ser internado en un sanatorio.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Centurion said...

esta mas tostao ahora que cuando hablo la cacalitrosidad de 9/11 , se cago fuera y dentro y por toa parte del cajon , este tipo es igual que la putana cacalitrosa de RCAB , siempre metiendo la pata en el hollo y la cuchara en la cagalera

10:12 PM  
Blogger Berocos Menocál said...

Lastima que aquí en los EEUU dejan a los locos sueltos por doquier, usted es tremendo cómico Centurión, aunque siempre dice la verdad.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

You see amigos? This is what I've been talking about. Talk of 9/11 gets the cherub's panties in a wad. The cherub's job is to put out this fire in the exile community. This cherub who once tried to pretend to be my friend must deflect your attention amigos away from the truth. But the cherub hopelessly tries to cover the truth with lies. But it is his job. In reality, he hates himself and is disgusted by his own actions. But he has to make a living somehow and he possesses little talent except to be a vulgar shill. But shill seems to be driving more traffic to my blog so I'll take the increased hits along with the no talent vulgarity to get my message out about the scum running our country into the ground. Keep it up cherub. You are closer to the unemployment lines every day with no talent, marketable skill or usable job history. Lots of luck! But keep coming back and conversing with yourself anyway. You appear to be the only one these days who agrees with you.

Hey shill. Do you get overtime pay for this work from home?

10:52 PM  
Blogger Fantomas said...

Stop making a fool of yourself Tomas, Menocal and Centurion are two different people and you know it, use the Sitemeter if you want to prove what can't be proven.

You title this thread offending everyone but can't take the heat when it heads your way, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, you like to troll around throwing bombs but hate it when they come back at you, admit the fact that you sound like a lunatic with the 9/11 conspiracy crap and move on, what's done is done, oh and do us real Cubans a favor, stop calling yourself one of us, you are not. Sorry pal, you had it coming.

11:11 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

You don't sound a thing like Enrique. So I'm your pal again? No thanks "pal." Leave Enrique alone fool. Actually, all the real Cubans tell be I'm a gentleman but they refer to you in not so kind of terminology. You are scum. A traitor to two countries. You disgust me.

11:28 PM  

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