Quantitative Easing
quantitative: an attribute that exists in a range of magnitudes
easing: relaxing, reducing normal restrictions
Quantitative Easing is a term thought up by the currency crack dealers at the Federal Reserve Board. In simple terms it means the currency crack pushers of fiat Reserve currency crack will now create as much currency as they feel like without the usual restrictions on how much new money is created. The money supply is being hyper-inflated to attempt to drive Real Estate prices back up to where they were before the collapse began. The greedy banksters believe then they won't lose their shirts when they have to foreclose. But they live in fantasy land. Real Estate and stocks will continue to nosedive. Stocks will continue the fall because more older investors want to cash out while the young believe you would have to be mad to put your hard earned money into these various Ponsi schemes. Real Estate will go down because there are still way more properties available for purchase than interested purchasers.
Finally, the currency crack head shill that comes to my blog every day now using several different personnas will surely want to put her two cents in to try to undo the damage already done by this lame spy from the U.S. government. She is desperate now to sort out some way to discredit my predictions but reality keeps getting in her way. But go back amigoes and see what gets this spy's panties in a wad. It is always when I warn you about our government's criminal behavior and never about Castro except now recently that I pointed this out to the shill. Now the shill claims to be with some previously unknown anti-Castro group but their battle front consists of attacking me on my blog and nothing else. Doesn't that appear odd to you amigos? The shill IS a spy from the U.S. who trolls the Net manipulating your opinions.
Lets hear what the shill has to say about this.
Centurion IS fantomas, I have it from reliable sources.
Yeah... And just who is Jose bringing me this amazing information? You would be very helpful to me if what you say is true but first to even contemplate what you assert I have to know who you are and why you are telling me this.
Esto esta muerto , por aqui ni las moscas pasan ya
con la peste que reina aqui debido a la cacalitrosidad del viejucal , normalmente las moscas abundan , pero ni los moscardones ni las moscas aguantan la diarrea vocal y mental de este trastornao
el 9/11 fue un inside job de acuerdo a este demente , esta tan cagao y rodeao de mierda que ni se da ya cuenta de la peste y los morrocoyos
So you must be one of the stupid Americans who believe jet fuel melt 6 foot thick steel beams in buildings but has no effect on steel jet engines.
Here's the truth amigos. These snakes who send in this shill have been correct in knowing if they do not show the truth on TV it does not exist. They never told the truth about the economy either but look where we are now. They are still lying about the economy, the neocons being behind the inside job on 9/11 and lots of other stuff as well. Fortunately because their collapsing currency crack scam is becoming obvious to everybody now we should all take a good look backwards at the amble evidence of what I speak of. You are being governed by criminals amigos.
It's obvious to all but the dumbest dupes and the manipulative shills like big ears here.
Alabaoooo caballeroooooo
el disco rayaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo se desencadena ... otra ves mas , ese disco tiene mas rayaduras que disco
el palma esta craqueao del coco
En ESPAÑOL por favor , el idioma que hablamos todos los verdaderos cubanos
She continue, my English only speakers and admits to being a currency crack head who shills for the C.I.A."
I'm glad she finally admits it here in Spanish in not so many more words of course. My translation in not literal but this is what she means to say if she wasn't so stupid.
Mr Palma
Have you an e mail address where I can comunicate with you and make myself known, I prefer not do it here, what I have told you is the God's honest truth.
Have you not read what has been exposed here?
Have you not yet realized that advice, counsel , truth et al, do not interest the conspiracy theorist that desperately tries to write this so called blog?
Have you not yet been made aware that the addictive qualities of crack cocaine, hypoglycemia and a demented mind are recipes for disaster when they are combined?
Have you not noticed that for the properly educated it is not difficult to see through the veils and cloaks of pretention?
Have you not yet perceived that etymological roots and branches usually divulge a writer's geographical origin and also its gender?
Have you yet understood my double entendré message, "Jose"?
I rather certain who you are now. But I'm not positive about your motives. Of course this disappoints me.
If you are having some emotional issues I understand and of course I'm real sorry for the nasty things I have said. However, if you are paid I meant every word.
I will have to do a bit more research to be certain it is you. Then we must come clean why you are doing this.
You better contact me privately because I know you know where to find me.
Because of our way of life !! now think and dont blink. ask not for what you need ask about what you are geting for your labor right now is this what we need & then I am reminded to thank God in Heaven I was never in a position to destroy creativity and ruin the lives of so many people and companies worldwide. He has inflicted the consequences of his troubled teen life on the entire world. Homogenization is good for milk, but disastrous for the progress of humanity. we all need to invent and create new things its that next big idea that bring happyness to every day life . stayth sr.don royce roy !! working late bring in a new world for your next day with a hole new day !!! (punch)
Centurion IS fantomas, I have it from reliable sources.
Jose = Vana
Vana = Manuel Alberto Tellechea
Manuel A Tellechea = John Longfellow
John Longfellow = Balsero del Solar
Balsero del Solar = Angel Garzon
Angel Garzon = Brigadista
Brigadista = Humberto KC Hurraca
Humberto KC Hurraca = Charlie Bravo
Charlie Bravo = Humberto Fontova
Humberto Fontova = Manuel Alberto Tellechea
Manuel A Tellechea = 1000 personalidades
1000 personalidades = enfermo mental
don said...
Because of our way of life !! now think and dont blink. ask not for what you need ask about what you are geting for your labor right now is this what we need & then I am reminded to thank God in Heaven I was never in a position to destroy creativity and ruin the lives of so many people and companies worldwide. He has inflicted the consequences of his troubled teen life on the entire world. Homogenization is good for milk, but disastrous for the progress of humanity. we all need to invent and create new things its that next big idea that bring happyness to every day life . stayth sr.don royce roy !! working late bring in a new world for your next day with a hole new day !!! (punch)
WTF is this guy talking about? Is he retarded?
Weed them out
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