Thursday, March 19, 2009

Previous Posts
- Almost Two More Years
- Please Boycott Missouri
- Edward Liddy
- Tomas Labeled A Terrorist
- Start A Revolution!!!
- Cuba Exposed - 8:30 Tonight
- I Wrote This Last May
- Sniveling Currency Crackhead Coward Threatens Me
- Wen Jiabao
- Hello Cuban Students
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About Me
- Name: Tomás Estrada-Palma
- Location: Annapolis, MD, United States
Let entrepreneurs into Cuba, keep the tax low and watch the economic explosion happen. Whenever there are more jobs than workers the wages and benefits are driven upward. That's because entrepreneurs compete for a limited supply of workers. Those who lose the competition will not be as successful because they can't grow without more laborers. Finally, the first modern society on the planet will be populated by people who are neither slaves to the pharaohs of industry nor government. Cuban workers will have the best job security in the world!
Se supercago fuera del cajon de nuevo , que imbecil es este idiota , toda persona que presta atencion a los detalles sabe que el senador demando que se incluyeran los bonos en el proyecto de ley , pero el psicopata que vive en la costa este y tiene el horario del blog en hora del pacifico es tan inteligente que no se a enterado de ese detalle , que casualidad caballero , tremendo cacalitroso y bocarron se parece al fariñas
Your the imbecile. Dodd signed the bill and he and none of the morons on the hill read the bill - like usual. You currency crack heads at the agency should know that. Your world is coming to an end. Get use to it!
mr p
it looks like you and centurion have had a fallout. what happened?
COÑOOOOOOO , cada dia que pasa se pone mas cagao este viejucal , siempre dice la misma mierda como un disco rayao , pero hoy se le olvido tomarse las pastillitas y se embarro de mierda fuera del cajon peor que nunca
He is one of the government's shills sent to the blogger world to manipulate perceptions. He's with the currency crack den. But she's a vulgar idiot, who lurks in the shadows like a roach. Fortunate, circumstances beyond our control are about to squash this bug's world.
Centurion IS fantomas!!
Who's Jose? Why believe Jose?
en español por favor , el idioma que hablamos todos los verdaderos cubanos
cojone caballerooooo , le metieron un tolete por el culo del tamaño de un poste electrico , el demente viejucal no se tomo sus pastillitas hoy , a lo mejor Fariñas le presta algunas de las del , con la cacalitrosidad que sale de su boca no le hace falta cagar por el culo , los pañales de Depends que este viejo usa no hace falta reemplazarlos por embolsao , pero si se mea en ellos de vez en cuando y se le pierde el pipi de 2 pulgadas , ni se puede hacer la paja con un lapicito tan chiquito , con razon se pasa la vida fustrao
For my English only readers let me translate what he is really saying.
He says he's a low life, unAmerican scumbag paid by our own government to trick you amigos into not believing me about them being a gang of criminals. They are so worried about me telling you the truth that they have assigned me this full time shill who pretends to be an anti-Castro freedom fight. But she only shills on my blog to fight Castro.
Does that not seem weird to you amigos? Does it not make you want to ask questions?
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