Sunday, September 14, 2008

World Peace

Last night I was watching a re-run of a Penn & Teller "Bullshit" episode which I hadn't seen before discussing how to achieve world peace. I usually agree with this duo and they were spot on with this show. They brilliantly displayed the old left and new right implementing their respective strategies for achieving world peace. The old left prayed and protested in flashy costumes while the new right counter protested and profess that to have peace you must go to war. As we can see historically both of these strategies has failed miserably. Why?

Confusion and manipulation are the two main culprits which Penn & Teller aptly pointed out. On the left most are confused because they have been manipulated from the left stooges and shills. Therefore, one well meaning lefty was interviewed about why and how he was going to stop war with a Che picture hanging just behind him. I suppose the youngster didn't realize that his hero was in fact a genocidal maniac responsible for thousands of deaths including my cousin's John's grandfather. Che murdered thousands but really all he'd have to do to get one of you worshipers to understand what he was all about would be to kill your grandfather. Then you'd understand - like cousin John.

On the right the neocon stooges and shills have the rank and file duped believers whipped into a frenzy. They are manipulated hypnotically hour after hour by FAUX News and other electronic media - bombarded by threats of instant death for themselves and their families. The neocons manufacture their own top quality TV terror productions to scare the bejesus out of regular Americans right in their living rooms. One co-worker of my wife right after the failed September coup commented that she would never feel safe in Manassas, Virginia again. She actually had been manipulated to believe some super Arabs in caves had that little squedonk town targeted in their cave crosshairs.

This is why I don't get mad at you amigos. Most of the exiles align themselves with these neocon traitors because they have been manipulate by them most effectively.These snakes play you like a Stradivarius violin. They are the best and their crime syndicate is worldwide. So some of you shake your head and think Tomas has gone crazy. He doesn't believe the TV. Everybody believes TV? He'd have to be crazy not to believe TV. Some exiles attack me as well as each other. My only response is to shake my head in frustration but never to counterattack. I save my scorn for the maggots who have been manipulating my friends.

Also, I know for certain some in the Cuban liberty movement are paid shills by the left and right. Their job is to sow dissention amongst our ranks so as to split us and they have been very effective. Naturally exiles suspect infiltration from Castro and his left stooges and shills. But we are penitrated from the neocon right as well. So when you attack fellow Cubans in public you have struck a blow for your enemy whether you know it or not. If you respond to such attacks you have done likewise.

Penn & Teller's answer to achieving world peace - freedom. The kind of freedom spelled out in the old U.S and Cuban Constitutions. That old fashion notion that a human owns their time, body and wealth. It's the stuff that your neocon buddies on the right detest as they flag wave and give lip service to liberty. Those snakes who own absolutely ALL the media that you view daily make big money with war - billions. They own all the central banks issuing the fiat deflating currencies around the world that pays for their free range slavery operations. It's rats like these on the right and co-collectivists like the Castro boys on the left that I will feel no hesitation to attack. They are different teams playing in the same league - government. Both own you and spend you while they scare you into believing they protect you. In both cases they are social cancers that can only be cut out with your enlightenment.

So my suggestion is to wise up amigos.


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