Sunday, August 31, 2008


Even though my fight here in America against the neocon traitors has taken me away from my fight for Cuban liberty, that hope has never left me. I am simply being a realist. My home turf has been overrun by rulers so evil that I and most Americans were caught completely unaware. These evil snakes are the most dangerous threat to the entire world. So I hope even Cubans suffering under that 19th Century backwards economic system will forgive me for turning my attentions to the biggest threat on the planet - the neocons.

Having said this, everybody knows Gustav has destroyed large swaths of Cuba. The communist model is incapable of returning Cuba to a functioning society again. Cuba is an island of growing homelessness and despair. I realize the greed and thirst for power that the Castros possess will never allow them to relinquish power. But millions of angry, desperate Cubans will have other plans rather than just dying politely. Chaos and mass bloodshed could be the result.

Rather than go the route of anarchy, members of the Cuban military should remove the Castro boys and their cronies from power if they have not already fled the island as rats on a sinking ship will always do. Then let me tell you how we can change Cuba rapidly into a country of wealthy people while maintaining it's cultural morays and traditions. You know I'm not a lackey of the western banker elite nor the neocon traitors of America. In fact, I would dearly love to help transform Cuba into an economic dynamo by adopting individualism and Georgist economic reform so as to stick it into the face of both the neocon traitors of America and the poor duped Americans who have swallowed their crap whole without having a thought. Let me show you how to install a banking and monetary system that is fair and very functional. Stop using that fiat money system Fidel and the Western bankers use to rob the people of their justly earned labor.

You know where I'm at. I am waiting.


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