Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain Can Forget Election Day Support

Me and a few million Ron Paul supporters have been excluded by the McCain neocon faction of the Republican Party all during the Primaries. This was done legally and often illegally by these traitorous snakes to the American way. I used to say it didn't matter to me who would be elected president if Ron Paul was not elected. However, after the commie treatment by the McCain maggots I'm really hoping he will lose and lose big in November. In fact, I believe these McCain people are fools if they thought we would EVER support their candidate after this underhanded behavior.

I'm pretty sure I'll get my way as well. The reason is I believe your banker masters would prefer Obama and have devoted much of their mass media propaganda machine to promoting his run. Since the bankers have wrecked the economy I think they will use a combination of a weak leader with NO principles like Barrack and underlying racism to put the blame for the economy on Obama. It will probably work too since you people for the most part will believe anything as long as your owners put it on the tube.

Anyways, I've been right so far about the economy even though many during the past year said I was wrong.


Blogger Angel Garzón said...

Tomás, the Paulistas will eventually have to buck up and behave like adults, the choices we have are either the neo-Marxist Obama and all the evils of his ideology, or the maverick McCain who has time and again shown his non-compliant and independent nature.

How about you guys growing up and getting with the program? You fellows are sounding more and more like the Left wingers of the Comintel (Communist International) with their never ending complaints and deceitful behaviour. Anarchy is not the answer to the current problems that we face. If you guys do not vote to prevent the USA from falling in the hands of a communist and his global allies, you will be just as guilty as those who will destroy this country by any means necessary, as we say in Cuba: "Tanta culpa tiene el que mata la vaca, como el que le amarra la pata" (He who kills the cow, is just as guilty as the one that holds it down.)

You have to learn to pick your fights my friend, your intentions are noble, but your approach is terribly flawed, you are basically advocating throwing the baby out with the bath water. Our Cuban ancestors did that and for almost 50 years we have had to reap the disastrous consequences of our predecessors unwillingness to grow up.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Since when is demanding inalienable rights immature? If my choice was between the socialist and the national socialist then you wouldn't be here trying to persuade me. But I have more choices and looks like Bob Barr is the winner due to ballot access benefit for the Libertarian. Beside I will never vote for the neocons especially since they flagrantly violated party delegate rules and roughed up RP delegate at the convention and took their credentials and the like. Voting for McCain won't happen since I'm at war with these unAmerican scum.

It is a bit much to ask me to vote for the obstructionist liar McCain. He is a liar since he swore an oath to uphold the Constitution but regularly votes against it. That's lying. In fact all you have to do is show me where the Constitution allows a cabal of bankers to issue anything but gold and silver coin under Congress' order and I'll vote for McCain and drive to N Jersey and wash your truck.

It's okay that you and millions of other Americans haven't realized yet that America is controlled by a criminal syndicate. Fortunately, I have several million Ron Paul Republicans who understand completely and are with me lock step. We will never quit! I ask you to join me and not vote for the unAmerican scum McCain. I am really looking forward for him to lose and lose big. You cheat me and my friends and a pox on you McCain!

But I'm not worried amigo. You will join us freedom fighters in the very near future because the scoundrels have just about bankrupted America and have nothing left for you but empty promises. I could never vote for the cold blooded murderous neocon gang that killed 3000 Americans on 9/11. Patriotic means never supporting murderers of your countrymen. I understand why you do. You have not realized yet the syndicate and their inside job committed 9/11.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Angel Garzón said...

Tomás, not only do you and your Paulistas need to learn to pick your fights, you also need to learn to prioritize, at this crucial moment in time when the fate of the democracies of the world is at stake, you and your Paulista buddies are planning to deny John McCain, Sarah Palin (Hope of the Future) and the GOP the votes needed to prevent the neo-communists from scoring their most desired goal, that of destroying the USA and all the other democracies that depend on this last bastion of freedom for all kinds of support, as goes the USA so goes the free world, wake up and smell the reality will you.

When the house is on fire, it's not the appropriate time to debate the color of the curtains. It pains me to have to say this to you and the Paulistas, but it must be said, grow up, wake up and smell the reality fellows.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Not only do I hope McCain loses but I hope it is because we did not vote for him. Obama will also follow the banksters down with the economy. But I'm at war with McCain and the neocons so voting for him would be counter productive to the effort. I guess you never realized we are the vanguard of a revolution. We mean business. We are also working on economic boycotts to punish big media, which I no longer watch but by your logic you obviously still do, and we will fight to regain control of the Republican party away from the neocon national socialists now led by McCain.

I don't vote for unAmerican, constitution defy, neocon scum. But if I could hold my nose and stomach it to vote for one I do it for you buddy. But I can't. It a revolution.

Sorry amigo. There's a few million of us who no longer fall for the antiquated right/left paradyme. We don't give a rat's which one of the collectivist dogs win. We're all going down with the fiat monetary system. You just haven't realized it yet. But you will soon enough and be darn happy the political vacuum left there by the scoudrels when the whole thing comes unglued to have us there to show you the way out. It requires strict adhereance to the Constitution and FREEDOM - concepts that McCain is obviously unfamiliar with.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Angel Garzón said...

So be it, obviously there is no sense in trying to reason with blind followers of a man who still has not realized that to change the status quo requires reform and not revolutionary anarchy, when my man McCain and his outstanding running mate Sarah Palin win in November don't you guys come around with the same old tired arguments, when we needed you, you guys chose to go bunkers and throw your support behind the Marxist Obama, you will reap what you sow.

No one likes to listen or pay attention to whiners Tomás, the Paulistas could choose to help reform the country by joining the McCain/Palin reform train, maybe you guys don't like to pay attention to reality and prefer to be guided by emotions and not by intellect, come to think of it, you Paulistas sound and behave just like the Fidelistas and Comunistas of the world.

I still consider you a good and honest man, but you need to live in the real world, not in an imaginary one my friend.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Sorry but we don't vote for collectivist. And one point of information. Anarchy is the absents of government which I nor ANY Ron Paul supporter has ever advocated. Rather, we insist on following the U.S. Constitution which calls for a republic. based on laws that never violate the constitution. You on the other hand support a democracy advocate, McCain, who actually has the delusion of spreading this failed form of government to all the corners of the world using the military of course. This will soon bankrupt the nation and that simple policy could very well lead to anarchy. But it will not be a result of us Paul supporters. It will be the direct result of the democracy supporter that you supported.

But it's not your fault. You have just been fooled and manipulated by the very best in the ugly business.

6:58 PM  
Blogger Angel Garzón said...

There you go again, to paraphrase Ronald W. Reagan; perhaps you have not taken the time to step back and listen to yourself, you keep on constantly repeating the same things, you refuse to understand what priorities are all about, you recite the Paulista Manifesto just like the Communists recite Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, there is no reasoning and logic coming out of your statements, you sound like a drone that has been brainwashed by ideologues, I find it curious that not once have you mentioned anything negative about the Marxist Obama, instead you attack John McCain only, that says a lot to me, just like all the times when you promoted some whacky ass videos put forth by Communists, when I called you on them, you retreated your endoesement and claimed that you had not had the time to watch all of their content, but yet you had gone forth and not only posted them but also endorsed them. That does not sound like good judgment to me, clearly you have either been drinking barrels of Leftist Kool-Aid, or you have gone off the deep end, I'd suggest that you need to evaluate your values and your lack of logic and reason, it is no accident that most other Cuban-Americans have been pissed off at you, I value you and your family, get some common sense and logic, for your own sake and for the sake of the USA and the cause of Cuba's freedom.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

First of all the Communist manifesto would be the polar opposite to the U.S. Constitution. So like the term anarchy that you used on us, it is exactly opposite to what we advocate. If it makes your political thinking more comfortable by labeling us incorrectly that's fine - incorrect but fine.

Now you say the is no logic to my statements but give no examples. Are you against the U.S. Constitution and the individual rights guaranteed by it?

As for your curiosity, I can't address all subjects whenever I write. We were discussing McCain. But like the 10th amendment which your candidate has a career of ignoring -just because I don't mention something does not mean it's okay.

Next not only do I not recall any commie video I supposedly promoted - I have no memory of you "calling me" on anything. What do you speak of. I'm curious.

So far I've received much labeling from you but zero logical argument - which I am completely vulnerable to but still waiting for.

As for other Cubans being pissed at me I can live quite happily with that knowing that I am following my principles and telling the truth unlike the liars, thieves and scoundrels which they and you support.

But I'm perfectly willing to let you all vote for the collectivist McCain or even Obama.

However, Tomas Estrada-Palma does not vote for, because of or with collectivists. Sorry amigo. But you go ahead and do so if you feel more comfortable voting for people who have taken a brilliant document like the constitution which guarantees individual rights and turned it on its head and used it as an excuse to take our rights away.

9:22 AM  
Blogger Angel Garzón said...

You keep on missing my point, which coincidentally is the same point that so many other Cuban-American friends and colleagues of ours have been trying to get you to see, that is that in the real world (not your idealistically desired one) sometimes we have to use the power that we have to gradually reform the system until we achieve what we desire, in this election's case, McCain/Palin offer the best reform alternative bar none, your man Ron Paul is indeed an honest Constitutionalist, as you are, when you express yourself in ways that clearly indicate your hatred and disdain for McCain but you ignore Obama, you cease to be a reasonable man, you cannot expect that anyone like me would back you and allow you to try to destroy the McCain/Palin ticket while giving the Obama/Biden ticket a free pass, that my friend is not proper and in fact is un-American and anti-America, you are basically supporting Obama because Ron Paul lost, don't be a sore loser and remember to be honest, I like you better when you're honest and unbiased.

12:32 PM  

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