Friday, December 14, 2007
Cubans are rightfully shocked that Miami politicians would dare hire one of Castro's builders, (a French firm) to build a tunnel. But before you get too excited about removing these politicians in the next election please realize that the politicians are not concerned. They control the entire voting process including the counting part. Stalin rightfully pointed out that the ones counting the votes decide everything. You voters...nothing! Therefore, you must file your lawsuits now to demand an open ballot counting process. Naturally, the Courts will rule against you democracy supporters and in favor of their bosses in the Legislative and Executive branches of government. So to counter this ruling by the neutered Court you must actually develop an alternative vote recording system outside of every poll to record the actual votes. If you fail to get off your asses now and get this done then don't cry when you are saddled with these same maggots giving you the French kiss...
The main stream media is heavily involved in "Operation Vote Swipe." They are already skewing their poll numbers so that when the election happens the MSM can say, "See we told you that was what percentage that candidate would get." However, they miscalculated in New Hampshire and Iowa. They have a very open voting process. That vote will reflect how America will actually be voting. But don't count on those numbers holding up in the "no voting record" states using electronic systems that are easily hacked before the election even begins...
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