Thursday, December 13, 2007

Republican Debates: The Slant

I TIVOed the Republican debates last night. Of course I loved Ron Paul except when he said US law is blocking Iowa farm products for being sold to Cubans. I will contact his campaign to remind them that we are Cuba's number one food provider. Alan Keys correctly pointed out that the debates were incredibly time slanted. The ruling big media elite has anointed their candidate choices for you. It is so obvious that I do not know how anyone could vote for Fred, Mitt, Rudy or "Huckleberry." If the moderator woman would have just shut up there would have been plenty of time for equal share of time for all the candidates.

Incidentally, back in the early nineties I debated Alan Keys during our mutual run for the U.S. Senate seat for Maryland. We lost...


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

That was back in he days when I was the Chairman of the Maryland Libertarian Party. My Cuban friend Lorenzo, who I did not know then, read our news letter and agreed with all the positions. Wanting to know more he began looking into who was putting this libertarian letter out and in the Margins it said that Tomas Estrada-Palma was the Chairman. Lorenzo said to himself, "The Chairman of the Maryland Libertarian Party is the first president of Cuba?"

But he contacted us and found out it was me not my great granddad and the rest is friendly history!

4:52 PM  

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