Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Beach Head for Cuba Libre

I do appreciate the risks that the Cuban protesters accept on behalf of a free Cuba. It exposes the intolerance of Raul Castro's criminal government. I happily report to these protesters that the BBC just aired a regularly repeating story showing you being roughed up by Raul's street thugs, apparently for criminal walking. This news story aptly demonstrated Cuba's street system of justice where by the suspect is deemed guilty by the government which then sends in the street thugs to mete out the punishment. Then the BBC showed the maggot Roque saying Cuba would sign a UN agreement on human rights but even the BBC automatically saw though this ruse. The fact is the Cuban junta is stalling for time. This gang will never comply in actuality because to do so would horrify the civilized world as they witnessed the Auschwitz-like prisons where Castro rots humans he does not like.

So let's start protesting smart, amigos. I'll tell you how it's done. First you have to get the youth on board. Spread the word - "Protesta en la playa!!!" Target date - Christmas Day. Objective - Get a few hundred to a few thousand kids to rush to a tourist beach to have a sit in and a teach in directed at the tourists. The tourist's video and digital cameras will offer protection. As the government is paralyzed unable to end the siege more youth then older Cubans will run to the beach. Now the mob is big enough to control the situation. At this point the top guys will make a dash for the exits leaving their henchmen to the justice of the mob. What happens next depends on the Cuban people.

Now the question is: Which beach do we attack? Gosh! That's the same question Raul might be asking right now. Don't tell Raul but I hear Gorki and Porno Para Ricardo will be playing at this beach protest as well. This protest could turn into the Cuban Woodstock! We'll leave it to the Resistance to decide which beach to attack with the truth bearing youth of Cuba. Merry Christmas Raul... Or could it be Happy New Year? Then again maybe the target date will be Martin Luther King's birthday???


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