Monday, December 17, 2007

Economics And Oversight

I find it incredible that even today people the world over would clamor for "government funding." However, government creates absolutely zero funds. They confiscate funds that we create, redistribute them to suit the political needs of the ruling class and consume a good bit of this wealth just running these "programs." People must stop thinking of money as wealth. These are symbols of wealth that has already been created in the form of food, drink, machinery, commodities, etc. Unfortunately, the governments the world round print extra money which they get to spend. Because money is not wealth, these symbols of our labor compete with the extra currency that the government prints up for the limited amount of stuff that there is available for purchase. This drives up prices as money value is diluted. So don't be silly! You wouldn't accept less dollars when more dollars were bidding higher for your goods or services. But here's the rub. You are working your ass off to earn your dollars while the bankers with their partner in crime, the government, can just print their's right up out of thin air to compete against your dollars. If you feel this is unfair you would be correct! Sadly, you will not learn of this thievery in "public schools." Isn't that convenient?

If not funds, people call for "government oversight." But here is the order of importance with government oversight: government needs, the industry being regulated then the people. Naturally the government can't just let companies kill us because that would be political suicide. But anything the industry can do quietly generally is a "go" since most government regulatory agencies are made up usually of former industry employees. Isn't that convenient?

But here is why this will soon end - literally. The Internet has the ability to cut through the crap to expose naked emperors everywhere. This little explanation of economics and oversight is easily understandable and will be here forever. What the governments and bankers are doing is thievery pure and simple. The old main stream media has been bought out and sold out. The Internet allows the people to enlighten one another and organize to crush any government or corporation acting inappropriately. The need for "Soviet style" big government oversight agencies is now completely unnecessary because we can enlighten ourselves on the Net then take appropriate individual action as a group. This is why the Castro regime is finished. With the Internet we have been able to cut through the darkness created by Castro's disinformation machine. Cuba has become the Orwellian nightmare come true where good is evil, freedom is slavery and truth nothing but lies. For years Castro had the world convinced that Cubans had the best health care when all the while it was non existent. The Cuban people are not happy. Would you be happy living with not even having basic modern amenities like toilet paper?

So naturally Cuban exiles use their limited time and efforts to expose and destroy this evil Castro regime. But let this be a warning to the rest of you government and corporate dogs who rob from the people and abuse them. When we finish with Castro we're coming for YOU! We're going to beat the crap out of you with the truth.


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