Monday, July 23, 2007

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

With the Castro regime one catastrophe away from collapse, the Cuban exile population and their friends need to hit the ground running in Cuba. But the truth is we need to get coordinated right now so we do not waste precious time. We want to utilize our limited resources in the most efficient manner possible and eliminate redundant efforts. An Exile Economic Council could go a long way towards getting Cubans who have suffered for so long up and standing on their own two feet. All of the bloggers in this fight are natural resources for this task. Cuban freedom bloggers are already energized, intimately familiar with the situation, in communication with one another as well as Cuba and many other reasons. We have a great deal of expertise and we should be mustering these forces. If each blogger or other friend of Cuban liberty like Vana or Maria and other dedicated human beings would fill a position as a coordinator for a specific responsibility. For example, we all agree that elections are a must do in Cuba and as soon as possible to give the new government legitimacy. We need an election coordinator who will design a PC based voting system which would use a secure Internet site to compile the votes and give the winners. This coordinator, besides designing this honest verifible system, would arrange for exiles who would be traveling to Cuba to bring computers to assure an adequate number of voting stations, registering election judges, procedures for qualifying candidates, etc.

This is but one area for a dedicated patriotic coordinator to tackle. Here is a list of Help Wanted for Cuba Libre Coordinators:

1. Fund Raiser Coordinator
2. Medical Coordinator
3. Building Materials Coordinator
4. Sewer & Water Coordinator
5. Initial Food and Water Aid Coordinator
6. Civil Order Coordinator
7. Transportation Infrastructure Coordinator
8. Legal/Judicial Coordinator
9. Land and Property Restitution/Resolution Coordinator
10. Aid Importation Coordinator
11. Communications Coordinator
12. Press Coordinator
13. Environmental Clean-up Coordinator
14. Economic Policy Coordinator
15. Cuban Employee/Foreign Employer Database Coordinator

I'm sure there are more coordinator positions if we put our heads together. I'd sure like to do the Economic Policy Coordinator position if no one objected. Besides the many papers that I have written on the topic of free market economics, as well as all of my blog entries on the subject, I can easily discuss the topic and debate the issue. Plus I have many contacts to draw upon who are much more enlightened and eloquent on the topic than I. But these positions will either do something active to help the Cuban people immediately, like bring them food and water to keep them alive, or they will compile policy positions for the new Cuban government to consider and vote on. We would be a nuts and bolts think tank dedicated to moving Cuba from a poor, stagnant, communist model for disaster into a vibrant, free market tiger of wealthy, enlightened Cubans. Coordinators could report back on their progress on the various blogs and advertise for workers who will be ready to move when the time comes. Most Cubans are dying for Fidel to die soon. However, are we ready for it? We will only have a finite window of opportunity before Cubans will become disillusioned with everything and sink into populism again. I think the democracy fairy died boys and girls so we'll have to handle this one ourselves.


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