Friday, November 05, 2010

Top Eight Do Not Watch List

Some network mouthpieces are so bad, so bias, so rude and generally ignorant that they should NEVER be viewed. Here are the top ignoramuses on television:

1. Chris Matthews
2. Bill O'Reilly
3. Keith Olbermann
4. Rachael Maddow
5. Ed Shultz
6. Shawn Hannity
7. Sheppard Smith
8. Adrianna Huffington

Chris Matthews has the number one spot solidly locked down. The only thing that I can say positive about this fat windbag is for sure his gluttony will lead him to an early stroke or heart attack. Certainly, as long as Matthews remains employed at his network, MSNBC will stand for Massive Shill Network of the Banking Cabal.


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