Monday, November 22, 2010

It's All Security Theater

Americans have finally seen the truth of the matter of the TSA gropings. It is security theater meant to convey to the naive American public just how dangerous the traitors to this country want you to believe the fake terrorists are. It is bad acting pure and simple. The filthy scum working for the invading foreign bankers have to act like the fake terrorists are immanently threatening so the government must be extreme in their behavior to prove this nonsense.

The same holds true for torture. The filthy traitors can convince Americans the threat of Arabs is so great that we must torture them for information. If we can't half drown them, beat them, burn them with cigarettes, rape their women and even Arab children as well as outright murder a few of them, how is a government supposed to protect us?

Don't get me wrong. There are individuals and groups involved in terrorism. Almost all of them however have backing from one or more governments around the world. The largest, most expensive and cleverly run operations are those put together by the British and American secret police. Whether these false flag terror murders are in Mumbai, London or New York city they are designed to put the occupants through shear terror and open to intolerable restrictions on their own personal liberty.

Here is where the secret police made their mistake. The traitors to their own people just went to the well too often with fake terror. The reason is the same arrogance that Hitler possessed. Both Hitler and these traitorous tax funded secret police scum think they are so damn smart and that you and I are so damn thick and stupid that they could pull just about any black operation off, right down to blowing JFK's brains out in broad daylight live on the enemy television networks and we would believe that a patsy like Oswald had done it. However, we are NOT stupid. We've just been ignorant - in my case for almost 50 years. Unfortunately for the traitors I've wised up to the game and began looking back at the amply proof of the true history of those 50 years. How fortunate for me that the truth has always been there waiting for me to have a look.

This security theater includes murdering some of us from time to time to keep the rest of us in line and scared. The fact is it still works for the majority who rely on traitors for protection against murders directed by these very same traitors. Once anyone like me learns the truth of the treason the game is over. From here forward I don't believe anything emitted by this government or their enemy television networks. I still listen to what they assert because part of their modus operandi is to warn of their future attacks using predictive programming. The traitors always explain the form of attacks to be used against us that they will blame on the fake terrorists.

The predictive programming is like the program you are handed as you file into the theater to watch a play. It prepares you for what you are expected to see during the play during this act or that. The current traitor program predicts pandemic plagues blamed on nature, nuclear detonations blamed on Iranian or North Korean backed fake terrorists as well as an airliner being crashed into populated areas - most likely on the East Coast.

Now that you know the program all you have to do is wait for the next act. But remember, even though it will be murderously serious, it's just an act.


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