Why Doesn't The Treasury Issue Money?
So why the hell do we Americans have to go groveling to the foreign banksters of the Federal Reserve for our money? It's just paper and ink for God's sake. Haven't American bureaucrats mastered printing yet? Instead of the Fed creating money and lending it to our government for interest, wouldn't it be cheaper for the government to create money with just the paper and ink costs and tell the Federal Reserve banksters to go bugger off?
Sure it would but the foreign banksters have lots of wealth with which to bribe our politicians as well as black mail them. Any Congressman or Senator or occupant of the White House who supports the Federal Reserve printing our money for us is nothing more than a filthy traitor and you can tell them I said so.
A quick way out of our economic mess it to tell the Federal Reserve Board to take a hike and to take all the debts owed to them by America and Americans to hell with them! Not only should we not pay the debt, we should seize every asset we can grab from these foreign invaders and clap in irons any of the culprits we can get our hands on.
But I'm a moderate advocating sensible solutions.
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