Monday, September 27, 2010

Americans Are Weak Physically, Mentally, Emotionally

This most certainly is very true. The majority of Americans are flabby above and below the neck. They fill up with processed, artificial crap then believe made up, artificial crap. But don't worry because three out of four doctors say everything is fine and also if you do worry then you at the least are somewhat crazy and in need of their calming elixirs like Prozac.

Americans can't handle the truth. Knowing the truth requires effort and not just the physical effort of doing the research. To know the truth one must possess a mind sharpened by years of stressing the brain with questions of logic, philosophy, scientific analysis, etc. One must be analytical which is not merely remembering information and raw facts but also knowing why.

But the main reason the truth escapes most Americans is because of their emotional weakness. They cannot except that the truth might even be possible. Just because these Americans are over 21 does not mean they have also developed emotionally. What that breaks down to is most adult Americans base much of their decision-making on emotion rather than logic.

The reason I'm bringing up all of these rather unpleasant traits possessed by the majority of Americans is not to insult you. I just want you to know that some people in high places know about your weaknesses too even if you don't and they exploit this. They know how to manipulate your thinking to get you to do as they prefer. One very effective manipulation is to get you to tune out whenever questions about what else may have happened other than the official 9/11 explanation. They have conditioned duped Americans to feel insulted if the official story is questioned even though there are too many question to logically accept that we've heard the truth.

This is why the majority won't even view the short video below of Senator Mike Gavel stating many of the questions that he has because the truth of the matter is the 9/11 Commission findings don't make sense to him. Sadly, you are emotionally weak and know you can't deal with the possibility that your government may be lying to you, what this means and why. Mentally, you are confused by any questions about 9/11 because so much disinformation has been mass produced and force-fed to you that your brains, weaken by a lifetime of carefree thinking, can no longer reason logically. Physically you are too weak and sickened by decades of corporate poisons and sedentary lifestyles to do more than hold your hand out for more government cheese. Cheese is used to catch mice too. Is it time to cut the cheese, grow the hell up and watch the video?


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