Sunday, October 03, 2010

Princes And Princesses

Back in the old days and right now for some people the government operated through royal franchises. The king or queen ruled over the nation through various dukes, duchesses, princes and princesses. These lower members of the ruling order were in charge of smaller land areas and the people living there. They made sure taxes were collected, that the people were doing what the crowned demanded and almost anything else these local rulers desired.

It's old news that this system of government had problems that caused our forefathers to revolt against it. They formed a government that was simple yet effective. It was organized and powerful enough to defend the nation but small and without power to rule over personal aspects of the individual like how much they earned. But this government was flawed in that these individual rights were not at first extended to women, Indians, blacks, Asians, etc. This was accomplished through sophistry. Basically, they said blacks and Indians were not completely developed genetically like the way smarter white guys who owned property. Women were treated more like big children. All these groups were exploited as a result.

These groups revolted though. So we committed genocide on the Indians for daring to do so. Blacks were regularly murdered and abused a hundred years after the civil war. Women used the only weapon they had to get what they wanted. Ladies you know what I mean even if most men remain clueless.

Sadly though, as these previously exploited groups were granted "equal rights" the vast majority of us including blacks, the few remaining Indians, Asians, women and even most white guys have had our rights collectively removed. This is being done by granting dominion over specific areas of our human existence to little princes and princesses. There is one for every bodily human function now. There's a prince for toilets. A princess of building permits. Bow before the dukes in the Department of Motor Vehicles. You do not want to annoy one of the duchesses down at the IRS.

Soon we will have to deal with a slew of new royalty over our health care decisions. But instead of all the people in an area being exploited by one royal representative in charge of everything, we have countless little people who reign over one particular aspect of our lives. They have the right to make us do things against our wishes in the realms of their bureaucratic rule. But since these exploitations have been voted on democratically, implemented through government begun by the founders and foisted on the people at large no matter what the color, sex or whatever the individual is then it's all perfectly fine. Right?

We the people are getting slammed by the same exploitations as the serfs of old and black slaves and women and even getting the Indian "death therapy." Why? It's because we naively hope that by giving up a personal responsibility to the government that we all will be better off somehow. Then we all get the motor vehicle department treatment. So grab a number, get in line and be ready to accept the health decisions of your care czars like it or lump it - many of you asked for it. Nothing is free. If what you consume is paid for by others then you shall pay for it with your time standing in a big line. At the end of the line will be the Obama-care commissar ready to tell you how we are going to live now to be healthy - even if it makes you sick individually.

Oh by the way. This medical treatment will be brought to you by the same folks who delivered the Tuskegee experiments to black people and now we learn about them actually giving VD to South Americans. Why does this happen with either royal or bureaucratic rule over the individual? It's because anytime one person is placed in charge of any personal aspect of another person that alone is an exploitation or why else would this be done at all? You add to that the quirks and ignorance and bigotry held in the thinking of so many people and when you put them in charge of others then you'd expect subjugation.

Put simply, simply people have been led to believe that having others make our personal decisions about our time, body or money will make the earth a better place to live. This nonsense has become a new religion despite the totality of historical evidence to the contrary. But history is not a thing for the ignorant to concern themselves with. The left feels it is the right thing to do so it would be a waste of time in their mind to take a peek at history. The same holds true for folks on the right with the war in Afghanistan. Whether it's the war or Obama-care we're doomed because we are following doomed historical models. These things have been done before and always failed. Just because the supporters of these things haven't heard about the historical failures of these sort of boondoggles will not stop disaster from happening again.

It's only a matter of time...


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