Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pompeian Perspective

Before Vesuvius blew its top, all of the experts calmed the people into believing everything would be fine. Most times everything does turn out alright for most folks.

Sometimes however it is the end. For a society the end often comes very rapidly like with the Incas. The bigger the economy and social order the more delicate the fabric that binds the people together. When the big collapse happens then all bets are off.

The Tea Party folks, bless their hearts, are largely supportive of the foreign banker's use of our military for their empire building. At the same time they rail against big government and high taxes. Television has blinded them to the connection between high taxes and empire building. So the Tea Party rushes full steam ahead towards economic collapse.

All the while experts say everything is fine and any rumbling should be ignored. That's what they did in Pompeii. Today you can still see the expressions on the faces of the people who heeded this advice.


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