Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Filthy Traitor Day

Today is September 11, 2010 - 9 years since the banker oligarchy used their employees in U.S. intelligence, British intelligence, Israeli intelligence and other scum of the earth to kill over 3000 innocent people by blowing up the towers in which they worked. These filthy traitors did this to scare the remaining ignorant American sheep into believing that super cave Arabs pulled off this inside job to use as an excuse to invade Arab countries as well as turn ours into an Orwellian fascist dictatorship.

Now some of you may have thought me a bit crazy when I began screaming about this treason back in 2006 once I realized I had been duped by the invaders. Perhaps some might have thought I would have moved on by now. NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!

I am not going to be content until the stinking dogs within our very own government and their scum co-conspirators who are TOTALLY responsible for this attack are brought to justice. I can't live in a world with such evil bastards on the loose.

If you still think the Arabs attacked us 9 years ago, that the Democrats are good and the Republicans bad or vice-versa then you are a dupe. Please understand that I call you this not to insult you. I am telling the truth. Those who realize this truth will have a better chance of surviving and protecting their family.

Our federal government is out of our control. The leadership is filled with liars, thieves, pedophiles, scoundrels, closet homosexuals and murderers. Trust them if you wish. For me however, they are the most dangerous threat to my family and I. I will feel much more comfortable once these guilty traitors have been prosecuted and justly punished. I can envision only two punishments for such a horrendous crime - life in prison without any chance of parole and death by hanging which is the traditional mode of executing traitors.

Do you feel how serious I am about this? Maybe you better find out the truth too before these snakes kill you or your kids the next time they do another false flag attack.


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