Conspiracy Theories
Sure I had heard rumblings that there was more to it but I paid that no mind. Then I saw a presentation by Richard Gage, an architect, who knows how buildings are put together and more importantly why they come down. Unlike lay people like me, he knew the official explanation was hogwash and investigated further. The more he investigated the more he realized an official cover-up was taking place. So he started Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
Here is as much of the truth as I can say for certain and it blows the official explanation right out of the New York skyline. It is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE for fires to cause 3 skyscrapers to fall exactly onto their own footprint as fast as a rock would free fall. Let me restate this again simply and boldly. THE TWIN TOWERS AND CIA BUILDING NUMBER SEVEN WERE ALL IMPLODED BY PRE-PLACED, TIMED EXPLOSIVES. Yes planes hit the twin towers but it had NOTHING to do with the collapse. No planes hit the CIA building that collapsed in about seven seconds.
Now the individuals who still believe the official conspiracy theory fall into two groups - the ignorant and the stupid. Fortunately, I was merely ignorant. When I began my investigation back in 2006 it did not take long to cure my ignorance. Sadly those individuals who shriek at me about being a conspiracy theorists have themselves never examined the evidence. That's pretty stupid don't you think?
Thanks to nine eleven I did not stop there. I have learned about so much official corruption that was previously hidden from me by the mainstream media information smokescreen. Once I realized the media's news was nothing but worthless propaganda I knew I had to find things out for myself. This is only possible due to the information age and the internet.
The main reason Obama and the oligarchy are trying to figure out a way to control the internet is to keep the ignorant from wising up about the 9/11 treason. It has nothing to so with cyber security. But the oligarchy must be careful about how they shut off the information flow. The last thing they want to do is alarm the ignorant into seeking the truth and becoming enlightened.
The truth is the guilty in this treason would already be sitting in prison or swinging from the traitor's nose but for the grave ignorance of the American people. Most spent plenty of time in school but they must have never paid attention. I can still remember my eight physical science class and the lecture about how fast free falling objects fall to earth. The formula is 32 feet per second per second. Therefore, once I realized these three towers all fell at free fall speed I knew it was scientifically IMPOSSIBLE! Buildings that supposedly crash through themselves require more time then the 7 to 10 seconds it took the towers to hit the ground.
Most Americans are unaware of the law of gravity or the speed of free falling objects. So they glaze over. Perhaps they believe gravity is a variable thing and sometimes an object falls this fast and on another day that fast. They don't understand junior high science. It is why the traitors roam free still nine years later. They still rule over us, have followed banker's orders and are destroying our economy and they are getting desperate now. That's because ignorance is curable and I am proof of that. Everyday thousands more learn of the truth. Our numbers grow and unless the oligarchy can figure out a way to totally disrupt things they will soon be fleeing for the border to escape American retribution.
I promise you this. When you finally learn the truth if you have not done so already you are going to be very angry. You will see contrived conflicts like the Mosque at ground zero issue and see how we are all being played. It's disgusting. I feel sorry for those protesters. They are duped suckers.
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