Friday, September 24, 2010

The Iranian President & 9/11

Sure he is a top oligarch in the Iranian theocracy that employs tyrant rules and regulations to enforce this religious form of collectivism. However, that doesn't not change the facts about 9/11.

The fact is the "official" explanation of 9/11 is scientifically impossible. When I first realized all three towers that collapsed on 9/11 did so at free fall speed I knew only controlled demolition could accomplish just that - a free fall collapse of three towers exactly onto their own footprint.

Then I wondered how these high security buildings, especially CIA Building Number Seven, could have been penetrated by teams of demolition experts to wire the towers with explosives without the authorities knowing.

Finally, I realized the authorities could not be so dumb as to let terrorists get into the towers to blow them up. There are rogues within our own government who are the real perpetrators of the 9/11 treason and I suspect a good number of foreigners as well.

However, the traitors have escaped justice because the majority of Americans are too ignorant to comprehend that fires don't cause textbook examples of controlled demolition of buildings - explosives do. These ignorant Americans could wise up but choose to remain in the dark blissfully trusting in the very traitors that committed this horrendous crime.

So the snakes are sure to do another false flag and maybe they will blame it on people like me who speak the truth about them. Why do they want you folks that still think super cave Arabs pulled off 9/11 to think that I am somehow dangerous? You don't think these guys and their media shills are acting sort of guilty? Why don't they just explain to me how the rules of gravity changed on 9/11 and I'll go away satisfied. But instead of giving me answers I'm called dangerous for asking dangerous questions I suppose.

Here's the science and you can look it up if you like. Free falling objects fall at a rate of 32 feet per second, per second until accelerating to peak velocity. The Twin Towers and CIA Building Number Seven fell at a rate of 32 feet per second per second until hitting their own footprint. The steel structural frame however would have been in the way all the way to the ground slowing the speed making a free fall drop impossible. The only way the buildings did this was those structural beams were severed with timed explosive charges placed there by experts.

Why has the government hidden this and why has the network media all aided in the cover up?


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