Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Enlightenment Grows

You know amigos, the time of critical mass is almost upon us. Everything about the old secretive group of oligarchs is crumbling around them and they struggle constantly to keep their filthy game afloat. However, they can no longer lie through omission. Now their lies have to be geared to address the threat to our liberties that they pose with their fake war on terror. But lies at this stage of the game become more obvious to everyone and only prompt more question for the usurpers.

Basically, in the spring of 2006 I became aware of the treason. Realizing who my real enemies were I began doing the investigating that I had mistakenly thought our corrupt network media had been doing. It didn't take me very long to begin to see the big picture and how seemingly unrelated historical events were all interconnected. An almost fifty year fog began to clear. What has been chronicled in the following fine piece of writing is pretty much what has been going on for the last hundred years or so. If you read it then you can finally see the big picture as well.

It's a scary journey though. Sheep will be much more comfortable remaining in denial and following the path they are being led down - until the end of the road that is.

Oath Breakers and the Age of Treason

"Patriotism," said George Orwell, "has nothing to do with conservatism." Love for one's country is not right or left; it is not the sole province of the poor, or the rich; and it can be expressed in different ways. Benjamin Franklin gave voice to the spirit of patriotism when he said; "We must all hang together or we shall most assuredly all hang separately." Today, patriotism is in need of greater allegiance than ever before. Almost all countries in the world, but especially America because it is the largest military power, are under the threat of a global dictatorial "new world order" that is being deceptively established as the coming together of nations in the interests of saving the planet, but in reality serves the interests of a private international banking cartel, and the global corporate elite. It is a war between two classes more than it is a war between two philosophies. Both sides, the nationalist patriots, and the globalist oligarchs, have much to gain, and lose....


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