Monday, July 26, 2010

Sell Stocks NOW!!!

The oligarchy has whipped up a fiat fortune to prop up the stock market but artificial manipulation of the market cannot go on forever. The banksters know the market must come crashing down even if the majority of Americans are duped about it. The banksters know the important thing is to have a scapegoat to blame the crash on when it happens.

I suspect that scapegoat will be the North Koreans. The U.S. and the South Koreans are holding joint naval exercises and I suspect one of our ships will be blown up by our government but the attack will be blamed on the North Koreans. The banksters running our federal government and military are hoping for a nuclear exchange because that will give them the scapegoat to let the air out of the stock market before it crashes on its own.

So if you'd like to help avert nuclear war and save as much of your wealth as possible then sell, sell, sell! If the market crashes before the next false flag attack then there will be less reason for the oligarchy to go forward with the attack.

However, should the nuclear war get started then don't think this will be conducted solely in the Asian theater. North Korea has missiles that could reach our West coast and even if they have trouble finding California with their weapons - the traitors in the U.S. government won't. California being nuked in a false flag attack will solve a number of problems for our desperate oligarchy. It will be far easier to incinerate the jobless than to find them work for the foreseeable future in California. Gasoline will shoot up to $5 or $10 a gallon allowing the banksters to vacuum up all the recently created funny money.

In general, this will cause enough chaos to give the ruling oligarchy cover to do most anything they choose. Americans will be pissed off at Kim and the North Koreans and blame them. The nation will be Gulf of Tomkin duped once again.


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

To gauge if this false flag attack is going forward watch to see if the rats abandon ship before the attack. Are the top government officials like the governator taking a trip out of California. The same goes individuals who make up the enforcement elite of the intelligence agencies.

Watch for a spike in the number of high officials leaving California.

7:09 AM  

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