Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Cuban Genocide

Here is genocide 90 miles from our shores. People think this sort of thing only happened with Nazi Germany. People believe Cubans have world class medicine. People think Cuba doesn't discriminate against black Cubans. What it comes down to is people still believe government will be their loving parent. Americans should not feel smug nor superior by the plight of Cubans. We're next. People, like so many of the American public, don't realize this picture above will be the final destination and reward for blindly trusting the government and their network media mouthpieces.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And people still deny This kind of thing still goes on.If this doesn't Make you fighting mad then nothing will

2:08 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

How is this different from the holocaust?

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOTHING! Ugly is ugly. The only difference at this time that i can say is the holocaust is recognized by the world. This is not even talked about

11:47 AM  

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