You Have Been Conquered
Instead, the foreign bankers who backed Hitler, the Kaiser before him as well as the allies, Castro, Mao, Stalin and many others used their money to buy the media. Once these evil conquering vipers accomplished this feat the rest has been relatively simple.
Why? That's because the reality of our "modern" political system is the big corporate media nominates our leaders for us. It was this way with radio followed by TV. Americans don't have a clue whom to vote for because 21st Century citizens have no guiding morals. How could they have morals or principles when the same snakes that have vanquished us also took over education? So instead the poor duped souls depend on their personal favorite left/right media outlets because they mistakenly believe that these liars are independent. They are not. They are the fourth branch of government.
Therefore, today we have a Kenyan born president who must do everything the foreign bankers demand or that little secret will leak out. We also have a Congress, as Dick Durban admitted in a rare moment of candor recently, that is completely owned by the bankers.
The final nail driven into the American coffin was once the foreign bankers gained control of our federal security apparatus followed by control of a good deal of our top military leadership. How much of the top military command has been compromised I cannot say. It can't be total control of the top military leadership however because if that were true I would already be spending my last days in the death work camps and Flight 93 would not have been shot down over Pennsylvania. Controlling the media, military and federal security personnel made it very easy for the bankers to attack us on 9/11 then blame it on super cave Arabs in Afghanistan.
So we are in a race against time - both the formerly free American public and the vipers who want to finish the job on us. The task for these foreign bankers is to eliminate people like me, the top military who are not part of their conquest and also the state governments that are still relatively free of foreign banker corruption. As for the growing minority of Americans like me who will never shut up about this thus far successful conquest of America, we will keep sounding the warning whether you listen or not. All of our futures depend on it.
You see the bad news is we have been conquered by the international bankers - mostly from England and Europe. The good news is we can defeat this attack and regain our sovereignty as soon as the rest of you wise up.
Until then you lefty/righty faux fighters can argue whether torture was effective or even if it ever happened at all. But the real question should be, why were we attacked by our own government on 9/11?
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