Gay Marriage And Collective Misery
Remember, it was only a few years ago homosexuality was scientifically deviant behavior punishable by jail or commitment in mental institutes. How quickly you forgot. Now, you gays are crying over your spilled gay marriage milk while the vast majority of you are in one way or another solidly collectivist and therefore complicit in the imprisonment and other state sponsored misery in the lives of the above mentioned victims who just want to engage in private choices in liberty and peace. Shame on YOU!
However, if it's any consolation to the gay community, most of the above noted victims of state tyranny are they themselves collectivists and therefore also victimizes - many times of gays. Do you all see how it works guys and dolls?
The fact is, all of you collectivists are being suckered and set against one another so that your owners can rake us all over the coals. Thanks a lot guys...and dolls!
Don't ask for a plate of gay marriage while your mouth is full of scorn for victims of state tyranny and demanding more of the same or at least remaining silently complicit. The fact remains that all of you collectivists are getting your moral just deserves. It matters not if you are a cigarette smoker, prostitute, gun owner, drug user, gay, etc.
You are all reaping what you have sown. Not Tomas and the others Libertarian, Jeffersonian, Constitutionalist lovers of liberty. We're getting screwed over no matter what our sexual preference. Thanks for raping liberty you fine upstanding collectivists. Maybe if you quit crying over your lost rights and began seeing how you victimize others then you would creep closer to the day when we all regain our liberty. It's okay to be on your knees for many different activities...but never before government. Your worship is misguided.
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