Monday, May 25, 2009

Meeting Of The Mimes

Actually, the show on CNBC today was called "Meeting of the Minds." Their lips were moving but they weren't saying anything. These shills for the foreign econ-invaders are traitors to our nation and as such should be your enemy. Since when do you take advice from your enemies?

Remember, this network is owned by General Electric which is one of the multinationals pulling our strings from behind the scenes. If you listen to these blowhard collectivists dogs then you are going to end up with fleas. These talking heads are actually spies for our enemy. The longer you listen to these professional liars the more of you who are going to lose your jobs. For you workers in your 50's that could mean you will never work again.

Everything they have asserted over the last year has been WRONG! Is our banking system the strongest it's ever been? That's what the mimes in the media claimed. Wouldn't it be better amigos to use this network in a correct manner? You do as you like. But Tomas always believes the opposite to what the G.E. CNBC network is shoveling my way. That's why I watch them.


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