I know I rail against the traitorous dogs who are handing our nation over to the foreign bankers and corporations attacking our economy. But you freedom fighters still need a reliable car. So as a service to my readers, Nostratomas will answer your questions about cars and diagnose your auto troubles from afar. Let
Nostratomas awe and amaze you with his ability to see into your car's future and under the hood. Don't buy, sell or have your car repaired without first consulting -
Car tip of the day: With the economy being destroyed by the foreign attackers, car repair facilities are
desperate. Fraud is fast becoming their number one repair job. If your car isn't making weird sounds, strange vibrations, smoke and warning lights don't come on while driving - chances are your car is fine.
- So says Nostratomas
you are correct (as Ed McMahon used to say to Johnny) however, my brother-in-law's car shop business has lost more than 30% of it's business since last year. I feel for the guy . . .
I do as well. Bernanke's stable money is just great for small businesses like your brother-in-law's - NOT!!!
Audit the Fed!
Real Money Now!!!
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