Sunday, May 24, 2009

Two Economic Plans

Let me offer two economics plans, neither of which I support.

Under the first plan, every household with less than $200,000 can immediately go to Kinkos with a hundred dollar bill then make enough copies to top up their household income to that $200,000 figure. Naturally, those households now making more than $200,000 will instead see a tax increase.

Under the second plan, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and a small cabal of regional Reserve bankers will be the only individuals allowed to make duplicates of all money. However, they will use the services of the U.S. Bureau of Printing and Engraving to do their currency duplications. In addition these private bankers will be allowed to just create money by adding more zeros to the left of the decimal in the accounts of various corporations that they deem necessary to properly run the economy. Oh wait! Before we go further I have to explain that plan number two here is the system that we operate under currently.

The reason I support neither plan is they are both based on counterfeiting. In both cases only some of the individuals are able to pass counterfeit currency and some cannot. In both cases these acts of criminality are based on fraud. The perpetrators can make copies of the currency that the rest of us have to work hard for to earn. When they pass this currency into the marketplace it is only they that know it is counterfeit. However, everybody soon realizes that there is a flood of additional currency in the land so they do what people have always done when this happens - raise the hell out their prices to keep pace with the declining value of the money. Finally, in either plan huge incentives are built in for bad, unproductive behavior. Nobody in their right mind will work under plan number one. Not surprisingly, under our second plan now being implemented by Bernanke, the banks as well as some allied industries and services have been tagged as vital recipients of the trillions in counterfeit currency that at this very second is being created by none other than Ben and his banker buddies. Immediately all of the monopoly industries like big oil raise their prices. Now gas is getting up to $2.50 per gallon which represents about 75 cent rise in just a couple months. In economic terms this is hyper-inflation of gasoline prices all provided to the American public by the Federal Reserve Board who's job it was supposed to be to keep prices stable. And at the rate these counterfeiters are passing funny money into the market place you'd better get ready for lots more of the same.

The criminals have gotten away with this crime for 95 years because they ran the operation only slowly adding new counterfeit money so we the duped masses didn't realize what was happening. In the past couple decades the foreign attackers have created an orgy of duplicate money then bombed the planet with it to destabilize the world economy. They were hoping people wouldn't notice what goes on right under their noses with their counterfeiting. Most still have no idea about this crime and many never will. However, there are enough of us who now understand exactly what has been going on including over 170 Congressmen who have signed Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve. More sign everyday and there is a companion bill in the Senate.

So we are in the most dangerous time period in the history of America. Our future lies in the balance. If this bill succeeds and the Federal Reserve Board actually is audited after 95 years of operating in secrecy, what's the chances that they have always operated above board in the benign interests of the American people? No way in hell! When the American people see what these vipers have been into the third private central bank of America will be closed forever, all remaining assets of these criminals will be seized for the American Treasury and the criminals prosecuted then punished for their treason against their nation. Then our money will be made of gold and silver once again which means it will maintain a consistent value. No more will the bankster robber barons be able to steal from the people.

So they will kill to stop the audit. I fear for Ron Paul. Lord he is a brave man and please protect him. In this battle against our enemy it is vital for them to remain hidden along with their motives. The more violent they get the more they expose themselves. The more they expose themselves the more their days are numbered. After all - we have the enemy surrounded. All we have to do is recognize them for who they are and unite as Americans to defeat them.

I know we can do it. We just need a few more patriots.


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