Thursday, February 19, 2009

Step Right Up Suckers

I keep searching for ways to explain why the free range slave fractional reserve banking system is such a swindle. Basically, the owners of our corporate feudal system own us and our labor in the form of fiat federal reserve notes. They permit us to keep some of these dollars to care for our personal needs and for those of us more well off than most, the fortunate can earn extra fiat credits which they invest in legal Ponsi schemes like the stock market. Now stock markets, per se, are good things that allow our extra saved up labor in the form of capital, to be employed usefully to make even greater amounts of wealth for less cost. However, a stock market forced to use fiat money is just another Ponsi scheme. How? First the central bankers flood the market with greater and greater quantities of fiat money. This drives up stock prices - I might add that it drives up Real Estate prices as well. Only the secret international bankers at the Federal Reserve know the actual amount of this fake money at any given time. So they control prices any way you look at it and they learned hundreds of years ago how to profit from this swindle. It is why our founders were adamant about gold and silver money.

So you stock suckers have a wad of your dough in the market. You had no idea the money supply was about to get reduced drastically. You didn't realize that the price of just about everything was going to go down. But the bankers did. Have you noticed how the big guys have taken care of themselves very nicely? So you watch your 401s bleed and hope it will return to a level where you can cash out - especially you older investors thinking you were going to retire soon. But the vipers of your labor credits manipulate the market just enough, along with their media shills, to keep you holding on. Get out NOW! As with any Ponsi scheme, the last out loses.

Now even many state governments are bankrupt with more to come. They cannot return the tax money over paid to the owners of that money right when they need it most. I can't believe these poor free range slaves will vote for the same state leaders that got them into this mess but they probably will. That's because the invisible free range slave fence, the TV, will tell them who they should vote for and they always follow orders from the TV.

But look on the bright side free range slave suckers. At least you are not ball and chain slaves like those several thousand kids that those two sleazy judges sent to prison for cash kick-back from the corporate feudal prison slave labor system. The owners now have holdings of about 2 million prison slaves in American today and most of them are black. Hey that's about how many slaves the old south plantation holders held once.


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