Friday, February 13, 2009

Estrada-Palma Economic Rescue Plan

To right our economy would be easy if not for the magnitude of ignorance in America. So I will try to write simply. The root cause of our problem is illegal money. To fix the problem we must return to real money based on gold and silver. But first we must correct the books of our banking sector. The head of the criminal organization that has ruined our economy, the Federal Reserve Board, has for years given away what was not theirs - your labor in the form of inflated fiat dollars created right out of thin air. This fractional marginal banking scheme permits lending institutions to borrow from the Federal Reserve but only pony up a fraction of the loan amount as collateral. However, what the board gives the lending institutions is illegal - paper money based on nothing but the trust that is now gone.

Therefore, legally the lending institutions do not have to pay back the Federal Reserve the money owed to this illegal central bank because the currency is illegal. This means the borrowers like homeowners need not pay back the crooks either. All we need to pay back is the factional amount ponied up by our lending institutions. That's about ten percent of our mortgages. The large amount of money we will have left over in our family budgets we might most likely save in those very local banks that are free of all debts to the Fed.

Finally, the treasury should immediately begin issuing gold and silver backed currency as called for under the U.S. Constitution. A set value of fiat Federal Reserve notes to legal dollars would be established and people would then trade in the old money. This would stabilize the economy immediately and set the foundation for solid real economic growth. Sadly, I read an asinine assertion that ending the gold standard was one of the things that ended the Great Depression. Well what is this genius blaming this go around now than gold has been banned as currency for many decades. What ended the Great Depression was 12 years of misery until the fiat economy repriced itself. The price of your ignorance concerning these simple economic truths will probably be more than a dozen years of equally miserable times. In addition, whether you admit it or not, you ARE all free range slaves. As such you may be culled if you present too high a burden on your masters. Our only hope is if you wise up and spread the word. Spread the word.

Free Range Slave Revolt Brewing...


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