Friday, April 18, 2008

Stop Bickering Please

This is not a productive use of your time amigos. You know my feelings about the Bush/Chaney murder of 3000 innocent Americans in 2001. Because I have spoken the truth I have been attacked personally by some exiles who have not actually sought out the truth themselves. They gather confidence jeering me because they have already been told how to think.

Why should I or anyone respond to these attacks? It gives them an air of credibility if I should do so. One of the reasons I'm back is because so many nice people have been contacting me in the past few weeks telling me that they know the ugly truth as well about our rogue government. They have pleaded with me not to be silent and to keep on blogging and Blogtalking. Incidentally, several have specifically asked that I continue because besides agreeing with what I say, they appreciate the lack of vulgarity. Gentlemen, you can make your point of view known much more effectively using polite reasoned logic rather than vulgar blustering. You know who you are so I won't mention any names because my motive is not to embarrass or demean. My motive is to make you more effective.

I suppose the reason I feel it unnecessary to respond to attacks on my beliefs is I've been promoting these ideas for decades. I was speaking out against collectivist concepts when most people didn't have a clue about such things. As a result I was completely ignored. Believe me... that's frustrating. So now that I'm being attacked I find it rather refreshing and stimulating. It means we are in the second of three stages - being ignored being the first stage. This second stage where folks feel they must attack me personally is a sign that I have broken through beyond their skulls and am now poking some brains with uncomfortable ideas. My information virus has infected their thinking so I have already won - because I am right. Not about everything that's for sure. But I am about most things I say. And where I am wrong it is out of ignorance and never deceit covered up by vanity. When I find I am wrong I step up to the plate and admit it which I have done a number of times here in cyberspace. It's easier to eat crow fresh I have found.

So where are we? Our enemy, which most people do not really have a clue who they are, looks down on our encampment and smiles. They see a demoralized bickering army with no unity. Many within these ranks actually believe other soldiers are the enemy and attack one another in the manner of which I have just written. Others think the enemy is abstract like global warming today or death from Halley's comet dust back in the 1800's. The enemy manipulates your perception of reality to keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves. So what are we to do?

First you must recognize what the enemy to the individual is - COLLECTIVISM! If you tolerate any form of collectivism you have joined the enemy whether you admit it or not. Collectivism is groups rights and punishments. It is anti U.S. Constitution whether or not some collectivist dogs on the Supreme Court overrule English to aid our enemy. Next, stop wasting time attacking other individuals in the army even if they attack you first...or they attack you last. As our ship of state sinks faster and faster you will come to agree with me and lose all faith in our current crop of politicians or ANYTHING the MSM says or fails to say. The normal cycle when this happens is the enemy uses the chaos within our ranks to rout us out. However, this time around if we hang together as individuals who know who our enemy is then we can win final victory and regain our freedom. But victory can only be achieved by unifying ideas like individual liberty and not insults.

If you have read this your mind has now been infected with these ideas. What will be a more productive use of you time? Will you attack me personally because these ideas make your view of the world less comfy? Or will you use your limited time on earth to look into the pros and cons of these ideas? To start with I assert that collectivism ALWAYS makes things worse giving the enemy reason to initiate more collectivism. If you prove me right rather than prove insulting or vulgar by simply investigating rationally then you will have recognized the big picture about the enemy. Then you become a dangerous fighting machine. Time is the biggest enemy we face. There is not much left before the enemy does terrible things to millions of people the world around. We must get literally millions of individuals enlightened and ready to do battle against the enemy. It may prove to be too large a task and we will fall backwards into another dark age. Millions of us have already been culled from our ranks and millions more will die because our greedy enemy believes that the "problem" is just too many darn people (us and not they and theirs of course) and not enough resources. Poppycock!

If you already agree with me however, spread these ideas far and fast. Time IS of the essence and we need more troops who are in intellectual fighting shape. Please don't take insult amigos but many of you are a bit intellectually flabby. But I want you all to know that I believe you do have the capacity to win this fight once you recognize the enemy.


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