Saturday, March 08, 2008

Slaves Voting For Slavery

It is terrible that people in Cuba cannot vote for their leaders. However, what I find even more unbelievable is Cubans living in America voting for the politicians who essentially espouse the same political philosophy as the Castro boys - collectivism. I have voted in every election since the late '70s. I have NEVER voted for a collectivist either Democrat or Republican. There has been a couple occasions where I voted for a member of these parties (including one for me when I ran as a Republican) but they were, like Tomas Estrada-Palma, solid Libertarians. For my wisdom most other people, who mostly do not vote themselves, accuse me of wasting my vote. Excuse me?

A wasted vote first of all is one that is not cast in the first place. So if you don't vote, shut up! Equally stupid is to keep voting for what you do not want then be shocked when you get it. That "IT" that most of you still do not get is, to one degree or another, you are supporters of collectivism. The fact is the same collection of characters has been in charge for a long time and they will not go away quietly into the night. At this point it is not as easy as just voting them out of office. They are entrenched. But if say 100 million of you wised up, got up and moved as one then your collectivist owners would cower and get out of your way. That would require all of you to vote for there replacements, then swarm the ballot process to stop these sleazy election thefts that are making America the laughing stock of the world. I agree that people who live in glass houses should dress in the basement. But not even one vote should be given credibility if it is tallied in secret. Politicians and officials who engage in this disgusting behavior must be condemned.

Until such time here is what you will face. The banker cartel will continue playing the money supply game so they and not you profit. Your collectivist owners will try to maintain their world empire holdings and maybe even try to expand them using unprecedented violence. You will become poorer and less free. We will continue to be innocent victims of terrorists angry at our owners for occupying and exploiting their natural resources and people. Also look for Internet restrictions to block you slaves from becoming too enlightened. As soon as you understand the economics or your owners' free range slave operation then the game is over. Only an idiot would agree to this raw deal.


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