Wednesday, March 05, 2008


"You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world..."

- John Lennon

Cubans in Cuba and elsewhere...start a real revolution now. Spread the word. You traded one form of slavery for another controlled by the Castro family. Start a real revolution NOW amigos. Revolt against your oppressors in the collectivist leadership.


Swear off all forms of group rights, responsibilities and punishments. Cuba can be the center of a real revolution based on individualism and not collectivism. Cuba has seen the folly of collectivists' promises. Cubans are ready for a real change. Here it is my friends. Continue not doing a thing for the regime. Go to the tourists hotels on Independence Day this May and take back your country and your future. The tourists will provide protection from atrocities. Drive the oppressors from the island. We all could be the center of a new world revolution just like what happened here in 1776. I'll bet 11 million free individual Cubans working for the fruits of their own labor WILL become the beacon for the rest of the world. Spread the word amigos...join the INDIVIDUALISTS' INSURRECTION!!! Become an individual soldier and stop being sheep in a group.


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