Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Iraq War Progress Report

One very effective tactic used by the collectivist's media assets is omission. Simply do not put a story on any of the networks or in major newspapers and the story does not exist. So let me ask you, is the brutal beating that these Iraqi children are receiving at the hands of your U.S. soldiers (complete with camera man commentary from an obviously sadistic and deranged individual) news worthy?

The reason I ask is I thought this type of torture was not use by American soldiers against prisoners. Therefore this IS news worthy and this should go to further convince you that you have been duped by your collectivist masters and this will continue as long as you bend over and keep taking it. Some of you more ape like slaves may actually think this sadistic behavior is a good thing and will lead to harmony in Iraq and elsewhere. But for those of you who find it revolting I'm wondering why you are not revolting? Join the INDIVIDUALISTS' INSURRECTION!!! Spread the word. Take back your life and control of your future.

Oh yeah... For you dog lovers out there here's a little Youtube you won't see on the nightly news either. I'll call it "G.I.s torture injured dog." To me, I'll stand up for the troops by getting them out of that awful environment that could breed such sadistic behavior.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can tell even with the on-purpose-fuzzy video those are not American GIs, most are not wearing any armor or flack jackets, a bedragled mob with no discipline, the cammi uniforms have these large spots on them that do not even come close to American fatigues, the narrator has a terrible accent, all grotesque hadjii propaganda, cheap made attempt at fooling liberals, as for the dog our guys are told not to allow hadjii dogs around as they bark whenever our troops leave base. All I see here is the typical Jane Fonda attempts that drove momma's boys pot heads to spit on my uniform 30 years ago, hope to one day hang that bitch or send her and all commies to live under castro.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wondered if the troops might be actually our allies, the Iraqis. But the dog torturers I find no reasonable excuse. Is it military procedure to torture dogs? If the federal government is okay with this they better let Mike Vick go. What's the difference?

9:15 PM  

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