Castro Boys Suck At Manipulating Public Perception
The Castro boys are so stupid. Their slave operation is based on the old ball and chain model. This form of slavery calls for the owners of the operation to control all visible behavior of the slaves and attempt to micromanage all aspects of labor output. The the owners in Cuba are constantly trying to come up with new five year schemes to squeeze some kind of output from the slaves dragging the ball and chain around. Slave won't do much work with a ball and chain. Yeah I know Cubans don't actually have balls and chains on them - at least the vast majority don't anyway. It's a figure of speech. It's what spouses call their other half when the rose has fallen off the bloom and the old ball and chain is now a pain in the ass. My lovely wife excluded. You should be so lucky to find such a nice girl!
The Castro boys are bush leaguer at manipulating information and running a proper slave operation in the 21st Century. To get the maximum production from your slaves first the ball and chain has to go, especially since it is now completely unnecessary. The most sensible slave operation for production purposes is the "free range slave" model employed in the western democracies. In these countries like America, the same type of fiat money system is used as in Cuba. However, the western countries do not inflate their money to the point that all goods vanish from the store shelves because right off the bat free range slaves produce far more output than Cuban ball and chain slaves. Ball and chain slave owners have to have constant surveillance and must continue to give orders to have any production at all. Free range slave owners simply bag and tag their slaves at birth, track their movement with the schools until old enough to begin productive output for the slave operation. Then the slaves are tracked through the income tax system, Social Security System, etc. Finally, the owners, using their media assets, convince the slaves that they really have it pretty good and remind the free range slaves how bad things are in the ball and chain nations like Cuba and North Korea.
Both systems are based upon lies and public ignorance. Both systems are doomed to collapse. Here is how we could free all the slaves. Cuba will be the first to collapse. This has got to be the year since the food is gone and the people have nothing left to lose since they will die anyway of starvation or boredom. The government is barely holding on and is terrified of making the wrong move that will cause a slave revolt. Look at your history. Bad things happen to the bosses during slave revolts. When the dust clears we must see to it that Cubans never pay any form of income tax and that all money legal in Cuba must be backed by some commodity of value. Just these two things will assure Cubans become wealthy and real fast. This means very little need for incompetent government "services." This means little need for crime fighting since it is less work to work honestly.
A minimal Cuban government controlled through the representatives of the former slaves would allow Cubans to as a nation become a bunch of wealthy individuals. We would easily expose the free range slave operation of America and elsewhere for what it is. The owners of the money, the central banks, are the owner class milking the human population for labor output. It would then be obvious to all that this new Cuban model is fairer and the greatest producer of wealth the earth has ever seen. Then the western free range slave operations would end because the slaves would revolt.
Thereafter Cuba should be a private paradise for Cubans and their friends. Schools should all be private and the constitution should even be amended to mandate this. Fund that minimal Cuban government with a land location value tax, taxes on vice, resource depletion as well as a tourism tax and we WILL have the highest standard of living on the planet. Disputes should be handled by the Cuban courts following the constitution and the law to as Jefferson put it, "restrain men from injuring one another..." But otherwise Mr. Jefferson suggested strongly government should leave people alone to pursue their dreams. If we bind ourselves into a union of people who agree to live by these principles we will lead the way for humanity into a new age of enlightenment.
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