I Hate You, You Hate Me
However, you are all being suckered. You are not poor because of perceived boogie men. You are poor or struggling to keep from being so because the bank cartel that controls our money supply wants it that way. This cancer on society milks us for human labor output using the money supply and does not create any wealth themselves. If they were to allow the people of earth to keep all of their labor output they would be too busy making wealth to fight and hate one another. So the central bankers keep things stirred up between us so we never get wealthy and enlightened about their cancerous money scheme.
The bank cartel has bagged and tagged you all - whether capitalist or communist. You are free range slaves whether black or white. You are being milked for labor if you are Jew, Christian, Muslim or a believer or non believer in any God. The solution to ending the central cartel's slave operation is to go to locally based banks that may only lend out wealth that they have on deposit. If they had one million in gold deposits then they would not be allowed to lend out more than that. This would be accomplished by repealing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and returning to a Constitutional monetary system called for by the founding fathers based on gold and silver.
Naturally the bank cartel television networks will never tell you this and even chastise the idea of demanding that our money be worth something other than our debt to the central bankers. But as you feel the pain in the coming months and years of losing your 401ks, your stock holdings, your jobs and family security please remember - it is the central bankers fault. It is not the fault of those other poor folks in the boat bailing for dear life. It is the controllers of the honey of our economic hive - the money supply - by the banker bees. If you want to see why it is hard to make ends meet, follow the money and not the other mugging victims.
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