Monday, January 14, 2008

The 2008 Political Reality

Here's the numbers amigos and these become MORE firm each day. Most voters are scared about the economy and also are against the war in Iraq. The poll numbers and the Republican losses in the last election show this convincingly. So here is what is going to happen but it's up to you to decide. You go ahead and nominate one of the neocons to be president and the Republicans are toast in the general election. Even though Hilliary Clinton IS of dubious character she will probably be nominated by the Democrats and run on a platform of being against the war now even though she initially supported it. She will win by a landslide amigos. Look at the poll numbers. The only way we can win the White House in November is with President Ron Earnest Paul. He would win by a landslide if he is our nominee. Many cannot conceive of this because they are so blinded by the neocon MSM war propaganda. You are not seeing that around 2/3 of the voters now do not support the war and WILL vote that way. A war supporter candidate cannot win. Either choice you make I will be right which is the cool thing about predictions. I'm saying your actual choice is Hilliary or Ron. It will be one or the other mathematically speaking. Remember...I warned you all about this coming bad economy when the neocons' MSM shills were saying the opposite.

Even on this Youtube, FOX talking heads can't believe how stupid the viewers are for choosing Ron Paul as the debate winner. As you can see by the poll numbers the viewers had one choice for an anti war candidate and a collection of choices on the pro war side of the question. Remember Tomas told you so. Next November Ron Paul is going to be president - or darn, we should have nominated Ron Paul because now we are stuck with Hilliary. Of course the neocons COULD always sacrifice Hilliary and let her be indicted but you'd have President Obama then. How much better would that be than Hilliary? You'll be happier and more in control of your time, body and money with President Paul.

How Many More Boys Die
Huckster Before We've Save Enough Honor?


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