Monday, January 14, 2008

Shame on YOU!

Yes..shame on all of you who participated in the Ron Paul smear. The majority of you have simply been duped by the neocons and their media shills. So I forgive you. Fortunately, liars have to tell one lie after another to cover their tracks. The truth speaks for itself. Below, listen to the Youtube. It is an interview with an NAACP director who knows Ron Paul AND ENDORSES RON PAUL!!!! Now ask yourself this question Cubanos if you have not done so already. WHAT THE HELL IS A BLACK LEADER DOING ENDORSING RON PAUL? If this brief interview does not convince you of Ron Paul's impeccable character then it is not every possible to do so. However, if you are fair and reasonable, you must come to the absolute conclusion that Ron Paul IS a fair, color blind leader who has been telling us the truth all along. So for those of you still not persuaded, please go away. I'm done with you.

But for those of you who are fair and reasonable you should at least apologize for calling Ron Paul a racist. A campaign contribution would be a great way to say you are sorry. But the most important aspect of this whole sordid affair is there has now been a line draw. On one side of the line is the truth and on the other side lies. We now know that on the above question Ron Paul and I ARE on the truthful side of that line while the MSM, neocons and others are on the other side. They are liars. We are not. So would it not make sense to examine some of the other assertions leveled by these liars? For example these liars assert:

1. That they obey the Constitution
2. That we must militarily occupy 130 countries containing 300 US bases around the world because having those troops thousands of miles away can protect us from being killed by the thousands here in America.
3. That having thousands of U.S. troops in occupation of these 130 countries does not piss off the citizens of those countries and that this has nothing to do with why we ALL AGREE THEY HATE US. This includes our allies where we have our troops stationed. Do they hate us because we're too free as well? Pleeese.
4. That we have to fight the terrorists over there so they don't come over here instead of because we're over there. Remember, Bin Laden was the neocons' ally fighting the Soviets then we stuck our troops in Saudi Arabia causing him to declare his fatwa against America. I'm surprised you guys forgot this so quickly. Gobbles was right - "Tell a big enough lie often enough and it become the truth."
5. That if we fail in Vietnam communism will spread throughout SE Asia then India until it takes over the planet. We trade with them now and India is fixing to kick our dumb used to be capitalist asses. The USSR is history.

Oh hell I could go on forever but you get the idea. Tomas is not lying to you and you should remember that the next time before you hurt my feelings like that. Take a listen to the following Youtube. Oh yeah! I've known the man 30 years and I just found out. Ron's middle name is "Earnest."


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