Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cuba's New Transportation System

Trying to understand a chaotic system like a society is a difficult thing to grasp much less predict. However, if you analyze it in manageable segments you can begin to see consistent patterns to give you some direction. Take the new Cuban transportation system. It will be based on the jitney model found in the many Asian nations. Basically people with cars and truck and vans convert them to pick up and transport passengers for a small fee. There is very little regulation and no tax on the industry. There will be plenty of need for this service in the future in Cuba with all of the new business and construction requirements of the men and women which always mean travel back and forth. Usually jitneys follow a regular route and require no government.

What they require is freedom. Jitneys are the most cost effective method to transport people in an urban environment and it is working today around the world. There will be larger transportation projects in the future but the jitney service can begin as soon as the old Cuban government gets out of the way. So can everything else on the island like having a decent living.


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