Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More Propaganda On The Way

More Propaganda On The Way

Good morning Cuban office workers. First, let me advise you that Fidel, if he is not already dead, is gravely ill and will not be with us much longer. The regime plans on releasing some papers allegedly written by Fidel that will talk about the "empire and the independent island." From the beginning it is important that you know you are being manipulated by the government yet again. It will not be Fidel writing. The purpose of this ghost writer is to fan the flames of fear of America with the winds of nationalistic pride. The ghost writer will talk about Cuba being independent but never during Fidel's reign has Cuba been independent. You fought African and South and Central American wars for the former Soviets. Today Castro gets oil from Venezuela and they get your doctors, nurses and medicine. It is true now, even as Raul cries for economic ties with the US, that you are independent of the US. However you are not independent. You depend on the Cuban government for all of your vital life needs. Sadly, they cannot hope to meet your needs leaving you without the most basic necessities. Being paid fifty cents per day is the equivalent of leaving a one penny tip to the waiter after you have downed a fine restaurant meal. It is an insult! Especially considering the fact that you are banned from your own beaches and other tourist areas. All of this is very depressing.

But there is good news. You are intelligent, educated Cubans and you know what's going on here. Under normal conditions you are very hard working. You are the nicest people on the earth even under these purposely distorted miserable economic conditions. Therefore, under the correct economic condition you will be comfortably well off in a very short time. While there has been nothing revolutionary about the Cuban revolution, while you've been locked away you have been isolated from some incredibly revolutionary technology. With these new tools your life will be transformed. From the first thing in the morning as you enjoy your cafe Cubano from your espresso machine as you check your email arriving from your high speed fiber optic connection to the web, through the day driving your new car to your rewarding high-paying job (probably Japanese or German as the US cars have really gone down hill since you last bought one) until you relax at home at night watching Havana play the New York Yankees on your wide screen high definition TV. And if you don't think Havana will have an expansion team playing in the big leagues then you really are crazy!

But seriously amigos...Raul and the American government are working together to keep you subjugated. Raul does it to keep you desperate and dependent on him. The American government does it because powerful economic interests like Archer Daniel Midland pay American politicians big bucks to keep you poor and blocked from competing against them economically. As soon as we work together against the both of them the sooner you will have a rich and glorious life. So when Fidel dies and the government forces you to the square to pretend to be sad you should all simultaneously begin to hum. Hum the same monotone note.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:17 AM  
Blogger Vana said...

Nothing revolutionary? enough to destroy the country, and turn its people into slaves!, this all has to come to an end soon, it just has to

12:59 PM  

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