Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cuba Hits

Cuba Hits

It is incredible how many hits from Cuba that I get and the number seems to be increasing. I wondered why and who they were? Certainly many hits are from the Cuban government monitoring our activities against them. However Cuba is coming in second or third place now in the number of hits to my blog and that is just too many to be explained by Cuban spooks.

Castro realized that he could not keep up with the world without having computers to run his operation. So he goes and trains then equips thousands of Cubans to use computers and the Internet. Finally, the greedy moron pays them fifty cents a day with phony health care while at the same time allowing the tourism economy to make bar hops and hookers dwarf these office worker's salaries. Castro has been so kind as to provide us this lovely communication network and we should use it to our best advantage. In fact we have already put it to good use. We explained that the tourists were exploiting the Cuban population and shaking them down good would be good for their Cuban families and good for Cuba. We discussed ways to literally make tourists sick o' Cuba. The Cuban office workers took these concepts to radio bemba and the Cuban people have responded marvelously. So my fellow bloggers should craft their message more and more directly to the Cuban people. They know Cuba is a lie so they do as humans have always done - seek the truth. They are looking for a way out now that does not call for them to die in great numbers. The next phase of returning Cuba to its people should be to drive the police back to their stations at night. This can be accomplished by an ancient weapon - the rock. It is time to rock Castro's policemen's world. From out of the darkness, brought to you by the neglected Cuban office workers with computers and radio bemba! Spread the word. Rock the police.



Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Rocks work very well for the neighborhood spy as well. Use sharp rocks to slice into the rubber brake line that runs into the front wheel assemply. Have some fun with it. From the pictures I've seen of all the rubble and debris in Cuba, you all will have plenty of ammo'.

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock the Comite and throw septic tank water in their cistern.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I like that.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Vana said...

Congratulations Tomas, on all the hits you are getting from Cuba, seems they are reading you, and listening

12:01 PM  

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