Monday, October 18, 2010

Sun Spots Cause High Prices!

Naw... Not really. But you are likely to here lots of nonsense in the coming months and years to explain the reason for the exploding cost of this and that.

However, prices are due to three basic things: the supply of the thing, the demand for that particular thing and also the supply of money with which to complete a possible transaction to buy and sell that thing.

The enemy network media will have you concentrating on the first two aspects of price while rarely if ever discussing the main cause of price distortion - the supply of money. That's because the supply of things can vary due to a great many factors in nature. The demand for things you can blame on us because we are the ones who want it, some of us more than others. So when prices soar the enemy networks blame us for wanting it even at the high cost. Or they give reasons why the supply has been cut. Some cotton picking crop somewhere has suffered a drought and now the price for cotton has soared everywhere.

I am not one to deny droughts and floods do happen and can distort the price of things. But what has a greater effect - a flood in the mid west or a trillion dollar flood of dollars everywhere? Even if you understand devaluing our money by printing way too much of it for special individuals and groups to spend, it is not something easily demonstrated on television. Inflation is an abstract concept but its effect real and destructive nonetheless.

But inflation is something that happens a trillion times a day, often electronically, and is an unseen act of counterfeiting. A flood is a real dramatic act of nature that no one can deny really exists. So as the cow floats down the swollen river the enemy networks mention that the price of dairy will be going up. The the price of milk goes up and you think that it's good that you watched the news because they warned you about it with the cow story.

But like planes flown remotely into buildings laden with timed explosives, the drought stories are a slight of hand meant to divert the eye so it will lie to the brain. Magicians don't make objects actually disappear. They trick your eye by making it concentrate on the wrong thing. It's the same with economists over the enemy networks.


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