Monday, October 25, 2010

The Commerce Clause

I think it is more likely the founders would believe in Santa Claus before they'd believe how our government is swindling us with the words of the commerce clause. These few words basically say Congress can regulate commerce between the states.

As usual, today's usurpers have turn the meaning of the words on their head to reverse their original intent. The founders didn't mean Congress had the right to regulate absolutely any social/economic activity that could in some infinitesimal way involve commerce between two or more states. They meant Congress should make commerce regular or in other words unobstructed by transport taxation placed by one state on another for example!

First of all the founders, known for succinct concise use of the English language to convey what they actually meant, would never pen those words with this bastardized intent then go to all the trouble with the rest of the Constitution to philosophically and politically demand just the opposite. If this were truly their intent then the Constitution would have been a very brief document compared to the beautifully worded version that amazes, awes and inspires an individual like me who reads it today honestly - unlike some folks that collude about thirty-five miles due East of me on the Hill. Today's usurper constitution would only need to say:

"Congress shall be able to do any damn thing that pleases congress whilst the states cannot do a damn thing about it nor the people as well."

So to sum up, many historical "facts" learned by Americans in public schools, aired over the enemy television networks and other cultural indoctrinating centers like movies and made for T.V. boogie man dramas has been paid for by our sponsors - the American people. This usurpation has been directed by a cabal of filthy traitors who's treason is in association with many other foreign producers as well.

Stay tuned for their next act. I think it's an Iranian war flick.


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