Saturday, August 07, 2010

Checkpoint Government

There are many reasons given for checkpoints. Domestically they began with the sobriety checkpoint. When I was a young man it was considered unconstitutional for police to stop free Americans not breaking any visible laws. You could even drive down the road sipping on a beer on your way home from work. Today however, the automobile is a constitution free zone where the state can stop anyone motoring and in many cases give them the shakedown.

In the age of network generated terror boogie men new excuses are in ample supply for stopping supposedly free Americans in all sorts of places. In fact, any time Americans move at all now they are subject to be frisked, bag checked and back scatter scanned. These airport scanners are incredible intrusive showing the individual perfectly naked and easily identifiable facial speaking. Despite this absolute fact I keep seeing these nonsense examples of the airport scanner outputs that the screeners supposedly see. These misleading examples are but another reason to doubt everything the network media has ever asserted to us. The fact is America is way too fat conscientious, breast obsessed and worried over the size of the genitalia (men seek to be larger while women smaller with respect to the sex organ generally speaking) to bare themselves naked before the apparatchik inquisitors. The only reason they have thus far stepped into these machines is they mistakenly believe that they are not identifiable, don't really appear naked and that these cheesecake shots can't be saved for later reproduction and distribution.

At the end of the day this is all about corralling us in order to control us and the wealth that we generate so we can be milked in this free range slave operation. The final phase will be bio chips readable from afar so the state can monitor their animals while they travel from here to there. The weird thing is the government is generating visual material including even children that only a few years ago the government would have put anyone in jail for if they were even caught with such things.

We're lucky though. Checkpoints in places like Afghanistan and Iraq include regular retaliatory murder of even children. That's what all the military brass have their panties in a wad about over Wiki leaks. Our troops have been shooting the place up deliberately targeting even women and children. The military brass says this release of video footage and documents of massacres will endanger our troops. How so? The only people unaware of these atrocities are the American people funding them. The civilians watching their friends and family being butchered by modern weaponry need not see it on the internet. They live the nightmare as long as each of them lives. If someone murdered your mom, sister or child supposedly aiming for some terrorist nearby would you be okay with that?

Remembers free range slaves - this is all about exploiting you for your labor output not to make you safe. In fact this bad government behavior makes everybody less safe and poorer as well. Not the hidden ruling oligarchs - the rest of us.


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