Friday, August 06, 2010

Clint Didier For U.S. Senate

I'm checking the news this morning on the internet and I stumble across a video about Clint Didier running for the U.S. Senator for Washington state. The Youtube started off by saying the viewers probably never heard of Clint Didier then went into his run for the Senate. However, this Redskin fan will never forget Clint Didier. Hell of a great tight end. Great receiver!

Now I find out about his campaign and learn he's a Jeffersonian. A Jeffersonian and a world champion Washington Redskin football player. What's to think about? Mr. Didier should take 100% of the vote. Even though he's running as a Republican he might even take the dead vote. That unusual as normally the Democrat candidate wins the dead vote.

Please support Clint Didier for U.S. Senate.


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