Monday, April 05, 2010

Real Racism

The past few weeks there has been much contrived racism to push a stupid agenda. The entire pile of nonsense is being use for nothing more than to divide the American people along racial/political lines of demarcation. The government and their co-conspirators in the enemy television networks are not trying to prevent violent racist behavior. They are doing their darn tooting best to kick off a race war. These traitors and their enforcement elite thugs, who of course are smarter than the rest of us and therefore better too, are the provocateurs. Just by looking at a crowd of demonstrators Keith Olbermann can tell they are a pack of racists. But that hypocrite doesn't give a damn about black people being treated worse than Michael Vick's dogs.

If he did he might say a word or two about how Castro treats black people in Cuba for the crime of thinking freely and daring to speak publicly about it. Just look here. Check out as well. Would dogs in America be treated like Castro treats Cubans especially black Cubans in Cuba? The dogs of America are safe because Castro knows the American television networks are a pack of racists like Keith Olbermann who will NEVER cover real racism happening every day in Cuba. Keith is busily inventing racist staged events to help foment race war here in America.

He is disgusting, unAmerican scum. I wouldn't trust him to walk the dog.


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