Jonathan Capehart - MSNBC Knave
Oh bless his heart. I can't get mad at a guy like Jonathan here. He doesn't have a clue. He appears to just be personable but naive.
How so?
Well I'm watching this enemy network to analyze what MSNBC is pushing so I can get a better idea of what the oligarchy has in store for us. In the middle of this panel discussion after one of the guests made a point about the dangers of printing so much money it could destroy the dollar, Jonathan pipes up and asks, "How does printing up too much money destroy the dollar?"
Apparently the other panelist at least had a modicum of knowledge about inflation and froze like a deer in the headlights because the question was sooooo stupid even for TV. Then one of the others made another comment, changed the subject fast and they moved on leaving me howling with laughter.
But it doesn't end there for me personally. I was walking into the elevator at the Washington Post heading into work, the very next day and who is standing naively in the elevator as the doors open? You guessed it amigos! Old Jonathan. The little man in me that always rushes to state the truth begins to make my lips comment, "You might want to check out that Zimbabwe model for an answer to that dollar question of your."
But then remembering that I did not want to go before the Washington Post's grand inquisitor again for possible thought crimes or ego bruising and other insensitivity and such I decided to clam up. Hopefully somebody will explained to Jonathan how many societies historically have reduced their money to zero value by hyper inflating the currency. Jonathan, if you are reading this now "HYPER INFLATION" means printing up way too much money. I wrote the words big for you.
If the stated value, of “Federal” Reserve notes, declines enough with respect to copper and nickel, the 1946-2009 U.S. Mint nickels, composed of cupronickel alloy, could become somewhat rare in mass circulation.
The April 23rd metal value of these nickels is “$0.0625836” or 125.16% of face value, according to the “United States Circulating Coinage Intrinsic Value Table” available at
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