Friday, April 30, 2010

America's Chernobyl

Chernobyl was the watershed moment with the old Soviet Union. Sure the comrades had bad times but up until then they figured the leaders were doing their best struggling against this capitalist boogie man that the apparatchiks were always warning about.

Then the reactor melted and released radiation killing many for miles around. That's when the people realized they were being governed by numskulls using a numskull ideology. The nation broke apart. It was all part of the plan.

What do I mean? Amigos...this has all been scripted for your television pleasure. The break-up of the old USSR was but one of the acts of this play staged by the international bankers. If you do not believe me about this next act you will shortly. This act is called, "The Break-Up of America." I am unhappy to report that this act is being preformed almost flawlessly. The latest action in this play is the oil spill. The rogues have blown up this pipeline knowing exactly what destruction this will cause and I mean economic. The seafood, tourism and other economic activity for tens of millions of Americans in this region will stop. The economy is already weak but this kind of a whammy if they can't get the leak shut off damn soon will be the final dagger in the heart of our economy. If the hopes and dreams of the international bankers come true then it will be the final act of America as we know it. We will tear ourselves apart in civil war.

It is no coincidence that the immigration problem coincides with this new disaster. Now almost no one will be working in this gulf region and people will be violently angry. The media stokes the fears and angers of the various groups that our collectivism has created over the past decades. Add to the mix the drug wars along the Mexican border and you have a recipe for mass chaos. This type of instigated chaos has been an effective tool of the international banker families for several hundred years now. The difference this go around is it will be America's turn.

The international bankers are just finally getting around to us with the kind of chaos they have been using with the rest of the world for centuries. Why?

Because I know my enemy I know exactly what their objective is while most people remain in the dark. The objective is a world that eventually only uses one currency that is electronic. The electronic money will be under the control of the international banker families (my enemies and yours) who will install a global leadership political structure. And finally, this new world order government will tax everybody on the planet who works and anything that moves or uses energy. It is really just a consolidation of their current free range slave operation.

What to do? What to do? Well this is my dagger into the hearts of the international banksters! This is my information bomb that should it go viral then the act stop before the play can be completed. Does that mean America has no more troubles if I can get the masses to wake up to the banksters' play? Sadly no it does not. It means we can get busy working on healing America with hard work where we get to keep the fruits of our labor and not the government or their bankster bosses. If we can do this rather than waste lives and fortunes in civil war then I win and the banksters lose.

Help me make the banksters lose. Please spread this message.


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